Posts Tagged: Immortal Monday
This month I’m touring the blogosphere promoting The Moorigad Dragon and Reap Not the Dragon. Follow along. In honor of all things Dragon I thought it would be fun to do two thing: Explore Kyra’s hybrid dragon nature. Kyra is the dragon shifter from The Moorigad Dragon and Reap Not the Dragon. Revisit a snippet…
Perseus, son of the mortal Danae and the god Zeus, became famous for his role in defeating various ancient monsters. We’ve talked about several of them the past few weeks. He bested the Graeae, retrieving what he needed from them, beheaded the Gorgon Medusa, and saved the lovely Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. The…
The mighty beast known as the Cetus plays a huge role in the story of Perseus we’ve been dancing around this month, but by no means is exclusive to the myth. Cetus can mean many things: sea monster, shark, whale, even large fish. The term cetacean, meaning whale, actually originated from cetus and in Greek…
Ask anyone and most have heard of the woman with a head of snakes―the infamous Medusa. (There is a previous Medusa post. I like this one better and it works with this months series) Medusa was actually one of three gorgon sisters―A trinity—all children of the ancient marine deity Phorcys and his divine sister Ceto.…
The other night I had the distinct pleasure of turning on my television and seeing this… image via Camp Half-Blood Wiki The Gray Sisters driving a taxicab. Hollywood’s interpretation of the ancient myth, the Graeae, tossed into modern-day, while at the same time, keeping them tied to their Greek heritage. Have you see the latest…
Prepare yourself for the oldest of old as Immortal Monday jumps into mythology and talks about the god, Hyperion. Hyperion – The god of light His name translates into “He who watches from above” or “The High-One.” Heard of him? As one of the eldest of the gods, Hyperion sometimes keeps his history a little…
I believe in dragons! Beings larger than life with an overbearing presence. I don’t really think there are huge, fire-breathing beasts hidden somewhere in a cave or pocket universe (although, that is a cool thought). But people can channel the strength and determination of a dragon, making them a force to be dealt with. In…
The ability to shift your appearance at will, look like anything or anyone you want: would you desire such a skill? Raise your hands if you saw X-Men: Days of Future Past in the past two weeks? Those of you familiar with the many mutant powers, who would like to have Mystiques’ special talent? If…
Welcome back Immortal Monday! Pull out the party horns, party poppers, and paper hats. Woot woot! Today we’re looking at a place rather than a person or a demon or a god. We’re asking what makes a place ideal for the ill set stage of a ghost story. What makes a location immortal? Is it…
This blog has been MIA so long I wouldn’t blame you if you’d lumped it in with the many attempted and failed on-line journals. The countless blogs started and stopped, left abandoned and forgotten. Image via Craig Garner at So many gone, defunct, and perished. Well…this little bit of cyber real estate is far…
Balance. It’s something we all strive for in our daily life. I’ve struggled with it immensely this year. Between family, writing and social media, I felt as if I was taking two steps back for every one step forward, and so something had to change. Many writers, like me, have been busting their butts trying…
It’s been a weekend of epic events. My family enjoyed their first few days of summer freedom, we celebrated Father’s Day, thoroughly loved Man of Steel on the big screen, and we were more than pleased with the season premiere of True Blood. And that’s where our #ImmortalMonday topic is going this week―True Blood. We’ve…