Prepare yourself for the oldest of old as Immortal Monday jumps into mythology and talks about the god, Hyperion.
Hyperion – The god of light
His name translates into “He who watches from above” or “The High-One.”
Heard of him?
As one of the eldest of the gods, Hyperion sometimes keeps his history a little hush, hush. Most people have heard of Cronus (Kronos), made famous by the Wrath of the Titans movie and others of its kind. Cronus and Hyperion were siblings―two of twelve children born of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven or Sky).
Hyperion, along with three of his brothers, joined Cronus to successfully overthrow their father Uranus. It wouldn’t last, they would later be overthrown by the Olympians. Ever hear or see the story of Zeus and his fellow siblings overthrowing Cronus? That’s the epic fall! There is a rumor that Hyperion took the side of the Olympians in the war, but you didn’t hear it from me. 😉
He not only fought in the Titan war, but it’s said he lead it after Cronus was defeated. He was the best of the titan warriors.
Poseidon eventually bested Hyperion.
After the Titanomachy, legend says Zeus sent Hyperion and all his brothers to the pit of Tartarus where they would remain. Tartarus is believed to be as far below Hades as the Earth is below the Heavens. Depending on which myth you follow, Hyperion and his brothers were eventually released.
Before his incarceration, Hyperion fathered Helios (the sun), Selene (the moon), and Eos (Dawn).
Heaven and Earth for parents. The sun, moon, and dawn for kids. That’s a lot to live up to. Oh, did I mention he was the god of light? 😉
Despite the divine lineage, it didn’t stop the god from going trashy entertainment. Like so many gods that would later precede him, Hyperion married his sister. Don’t the gods make for great reality television material? They sure didn’t set a great example where family was concerned.
His wife, sister, and mother of his children, Theia was a Titaness and was also sometimes called Euryphaessa, meaning “wide-shinning” or brightness. Shorting the name to Theia, it means “goddess” or “divine.”
Have I shoved enough mythology your way for a Monday? Don’t tune out yet. I saved the best for last.
It has been said that each of the ancient gods gave mankind a gift. Can you guess what gift Hyperion may have given us? It is a beautiful thing. Legend has it that he bestowed upon man the gift of sight. Take a moment and imagine life without his gift to you. Can you picture it? There’s nothing to see, is there? Sight—it’s a pretty awesome legacy to leave behind.
If you could leave one gift behind by which you would be remembered, what would you want it to be?
Is there an Immortal Monday worthy topic we haven’t covered you’d like to hear about?
Thanks for stopping by! I love having you on Immortal Mondays and truly appreciate your support.
Until next time, immortally yours.
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I always learn something cool from your Immortal Monday posts! Never knew the immortals were considered to have left humanity’s gifts. I wonder which one left us imagination? That would be my pick. Thanks for sharing!
I do too, Jeannette. This is my education in all things immortal because I really didn’t know anything about it before. 🙂
Thanks, Kristy. Glad to educate. I learn when I do these posts, too.
Thanks a great gift to leave, Jennette. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping in and leaving such a sweet comment. {{Hugs}}
I guess if I could leave one thing behind it would be my awesome collection of shoes. I have some pretty cool shoes.
But seriously, being one of those gods seems like an awful lot of work and responsibility to me. I don’t need that kind of stress And the fighting – always with the fighting. Can’t we all just get along?
Fun post, Debra.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Love shoes! Are there any cool boots in your collection?
I have to agree with you, Patricia. Maybe it was the pressure of their positions that led to all the brawling? It’s a theory. Them crazy gods. 😉
Flame on Hyperion!
😀 Thanks, Susie.