Advances in technology are often inspired by things brought to us first through books, movies, and television shows. It has been the case for many years – since the first true science fiction stories hit the shelves. It’s still true today. Let me introduce you to one of the latest innovations to come our way… What…
Friday! I love Fridays, don’t you? First, I’d like to put a big shout out to my new followers. I plan to pay you all a visit when I get back from my writer’s retreat. What retreat you ask? Well, I am currently holed up by myself in an undisclosed location for an entire week to…
A while back, a girlfriend of mine was good enough to introduce me to a foreign film and martial arts beauty, House of Flying Daggers. I’ll admit, when I rented the film I was solely interested in studying the fighting techniques and had little interest in following the movie. If I’m required to read a…
A little over a week ago Kristen Lamb talked about finding inspiration for your story in unlikely sources. It’s a wonderful piece about finding the spark in the everyday, ordinary places around us when you’re not looking for it. I suspect that has happened to you. It happens to all of us. But when we…
Have I ever mentioned that I am a writer? My current project is a work of fantasy. One really fantastic aspect about writing fantasy is you get to create worlds. Sometimes you know exactly what you want, other times you look for inspiration. I find inspiration all around me. For example, Shell House by architect…
What does that say to you? Every day when I bring the kids home from school a little something happens in our house that might make some people turn red in the face. What, did Sheldon give it away? Let me ask you, are you comfortable in your God-given skin? This has been an education…
Did the week have you buried in mounds of paperwork? Always trapped too far behind? Well, guess what? The weekend is here. In my book that means it’s time to play! It’s been a busy work week for many. Valentine’s Day had us scrambling on Tuesday and now it’s time to get out and celebrate. Enjoy being free of suffocating relationships or having…
(First: It’s sad that I must actually say this, but YES – I do know that writersphere is not a word.) Do you ever feel like things are not as they should be? . And you find yourself having trouble deciphering the signs? . You see them. Or hear them. But they simply aren’t making sense to…
For most writers there comes a time when we struggle with a scene or a character, slowing the pace of the writing. We must pause and take a step back. Evaluate where we are at and what it is we are trying to achieve. Are we in the right setting, have the correct characters in…
Like Alice I fell down the rabbit hole and a wondrous world I did find. Full of amazing people and incredible stories, my head is whirlin’. A potion, maybe just a sip, was slipped into my drink that has left me on this magical high. But I’m still in awe each and every day as I join in…
Five, Four, Three, Two… ONE! 2012 is almost here. Do you have your New Year’s resolutions all set and ready to break? Maybe this year we can stick to them together. I know mine… ★ Finish the final book in my trilogy ★ Edit all three books and have them ready to submit…
As the kids and I buckled up and headed down the road in search of food to fill our bellies, my son says to me from the back seat, “Mom, you know what I do when I want to feel happy?” I’m a little surprised by the topic and am unsure where it came from,…