Posts Tagged: Debra Kristi’s Blog
Happy February, my friends! I hope 2018 has gotten off to a great start. So far, for me, this year has been a huge improvement over last year. But that information is for another time and another post. Today, I want to share some fabulous opportunities in which I am participating or hosting. Do you…
The RT Booklovers Convention was amazing! Fun, educational, and (slightly) overwhelming. Much sleep followed by coffee was needed in my recharge process. But WOW what a week! RT stands for Romantic Times. Books are not restricted to only romance reads, so don’t worry. Six days. That’s some serious time dedicated to being ‘ON’ for an…
Becoming │The Balance Bringer…it’s been a long time in the making. A very long time. I can still recall, with considerable clarity, the moment I knew what the title of this YA fantasy would be. It was 2010. I was driving down a lone stretch of highway through the California desert. It was night, and it…
Books, Books, Books! Pick any book. It’s bigger on the inside! Indeed it is! Each and every book is much bigger on the inside. Like a mini TARDIS of imagination locked within the pages. It’s magical, mystical, almost incomprehensible, but true. It’s a Narnia waiting to be discovered by you! Why wouldn’t you want to…
Halloween is two weeks away. I used to get overly excited about this particular holiday. We’d take weeks or more transforming our house. Building rooms within rooms. Creating tunnels, cemeteries, and every kind of scare you can conceive. This year things are different. This year I’m finding it difficult to get the decorating buzz humming.…
Here’s a pleasant fact: Wednesday marked October 1st. The come of autumn. The anticipation of an approaching Halloween. Tricks and Treats Most people prefer treats over tricks. It’s clear to see why. Who doesn’t like to get goodies? And for that reason we offer them, sprinkle them along the path for our friends and neighbors.…
Carnivals and Circuses―I’ve spent more time than the usual gaining a better understand of them this last year. More than a ride on the carousel… …or a trip through the fun house. I studied how they operate the games and rides when the carnival came to town (and watched the money in my wallet quickly…
Let’s talk Time Lords. The new season of Doctor Who will premier later this month and now is an excellent time to test, or educate, you on your knowledge of Peter Capaldi’s character, the Doctor. This will be Peter’s first season taking part in the now historic role of the Doctor, who has recently come…
Let’s wander down the dusty path of yesteryear’s adventures to the Madewood Plantation. Oh…wait. I’m not telling this right. *You’re not going to believe this, but…two perfectly fun and slightly insane writers set off across the country to spend the night in a three hundred year-old haunted plantation house just to be able to say…
The ability to shift your appearance at will, look like anything or anyone you want: would you desire such a skill? Raise your hands if you saw X-Men: Days of Future Past in the past two weeks? Those of you familiar with the many mutant powers, who would like to have Mystiques’ special talent? If…
Authors want to make their stories, not only engaging but, authentic and true to the setting and characters. Experts say to write what you know―always good advice. Characters sometimes have other ideas. Sometimes they have a strong opinion about where their story should take place. And sometimes you, as the author, are less than familiar…
I am on an amazing research trip this week that has me away from the homestead and blog. I’ve stepped out to soak up the setting for my YA novel Nowhere Nara in the Baton Rouge region. But hey, I’m checking in and sharing a bit of the fun with you! I’m now in New…