Posts Tagged: Debra Kristi’s Blog
Good Morning blessed Immortal fans. I had an exciting post about my upcoming novella, The Moorigad Dragon, planned for today. The best of plans don’t always come to fruition, thus the post had to be put on hold. It’s only temporarily―I promise. The snafu should be fixed and the post ready shortly after I return…
Welcome back Immortal Monday! Pull out the party horns, party poppers, and paper hats. Woot woot! Today we’re looking at a place rather than a person or a demon or a god. We’re asking what makes a place ideal for the ill set stage of a ghost story. What makes a location immortal? Is it…
Hello, my name is Debra and I am socially challenged. *So much so it falls into the realm of handicapped. I don’t require a prescription or an over-the-counter drug or therapy. (Maybe) I am an introvert. Such an extreme introvert the sight of conversations in my twitter feed makes my heart begin to palpitate double-time.…
Did you know April is National Poetry month? You may have heard the rumors. The celebration of lyrical words was established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996 to heighten the public’s awareness of the fine art. This tidbit of knowledge probably already has you feeling a smidgen taller. Poetry was never my strong…
This blog has been MIA so long I wouldn’t blame you if you’d lumped it in with the many attempted and failed on-line journals. The countless blogs started and stopped, left abandoned and forgotten. Image via Craig Garner at So many gone, defunct, and perished. Well…this little bit of cyber real estate is far…
Something amazing happened to me the other day… I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award! This is pretty darn SWEET for two reasons: 1) I am so completely new to blogging, and 2) this is my first official blog award. So can I get a Woot Woot?! Something you should know about me is that in these past couple…