Posts Categorized: Writing

Good Morning blessed Immortal fans. I had an exciting post about my upcoming novella, The Moorigad Dragon, planned for today. The best of plans don’t always come to fruition, thus  the post had to be put on hold. It’s only temporarily―I promise. The snafu should be fixed and the post ready shortly after I return…
Did you know April is National Poetry month?  You may have heard the rumors. The celebration of lyrical words was established by the Academy of American Poets in 1996 to heighten the public’s awareness of the fine art. This tidbit of knowledge probably already has you feeling a smidgen taller. Poetry was never my strong…
This blog has been MIA so long I wouldn’t blame you if you’d lumped it in with the many attempted and failed on-line journals. The countless blogs started and stopped, left abandoned and forgotten. Image via Craig Garner at So many gone, defunct, and perished. Well…this little bit of cyber real estate is far…
 It’s still Friday! Friday Fictioneers is here. Better late than never, as my dad used to always say. It’s been crazy over here at my camp. My kid had his big end of year class project pitch today. That meant I spent all of yesterday helping him prepare. That was only part of the crazy, though.…
Let’s face it. Times aren’t what they used to be. It’s a rushed society and our hours dwindle fast. That makes what few minutes we can spare precious, so don’t waste them rambling. I spent a fair amount of time researching a particular topic these past few weeks and was surprised how many sites didn’t have information nicely organized…
 What would you do for love? Let’s face it. The feeling is addictive. It can drive people to crazy extremes. Would you climb the highest mountain? Run across the state? Sit through a marathon of your least favorite television show? How many frogs are you willing to kiss to find your perfect match? (I have…
It’s Friday. Guess that means I’m trying my hand at another 100 word fiction piece via Friday Fictioneers. Honestly, I didn’t know what I was going to write until 1:30 this morning. The picture is beautiful, but the story just wasn’t coming. Maybe I’m too caught up in edits and writing, or maybe it’s something…