Magical Moment: Friday Fictioneers

This is another rendition of Friday Fictioneers. I was going to take a pass this week since I will be at DFW Con but, when I saw the picture I already had the little number jumping out at me. I had to put it on my blog for my number one fan (you know who you are – Team Dohlan girl). Thank you, Kent Bonham, for the fabulous photo prompt.

This post is going up early as I am leaving in the morning and I’m running behind on everything else (comment response) because I’m busy getting my household prepared to maintain without me for the next several days. I apologize if I haven’t gotten to your comment on a previous post yet.

The point of Friday Fictioneers is to write a story in 100 words based on the photo prompt provided. Our amazing leader is Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and she’ll be more than happy to let you play, too – if you beg and plead. Just kidding. It’s open to anyone.  🙂  Fictioneers, don’t feel obligated to comment this week as I will be at the conference Thursday through Monday and unable to reciprocate.


Magical Moment

Image copyright by Kent Bonham

“Will you stay with me?” he whispers.

His sun bleached hair whips down in front of his clear blue eyes and I want to push the stray aside. I start to reach and he grabs my hand spinning me around as if we’re dancing. As I spin, his palace instantly stitches itself back together from the pile of rubble around us. Our special magical moment. I feel like a princess in a fairytale. The things dreams are made of.

He pulls me in tight, bringing his lips to mine. I’m intoxicated by his touch. Everything but Dohlan fades from existence.

100 words

Today’s photo prompt reminded me of a scene in the first book of my Bringer Chronicles. As a result, you just read a small piece inspired by my characters and their storyline.

You can thank Ted Strutz for getting me hooked onto Friday flash fictions. He’s a fun, sociable guy. You should visit him if you haven’t already.  

Just for fun, here is a picture of Dohlan’s castle in ruin before it stitched itself back together.


To read more flash fiction inspired by the first photo above click on the frog.


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.

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38 thoughts on “Magical Moment: Friday Fictioneers”

  1. Kassandra LambKassandra Lamb

    Love your Friday Fiction on Wednesday! And that photo… Wow, no wonder you couldn’t resist.

    Safe travels and have a blast at the conference!

  2. SallySally

    Hi Debra, thanks for posting on your old site. I thought I’d followed your new site, but I guess I didn’t… I’ll try again today.

    Love the magical element of your story. And that castle takes me back to my time exploring the north coast of Wales…

  3. janetjanet

    This sounds like such a magical moment, but with FF, I’m constantly wondering when the ax is going to fall, when the prince turns into a monster, when it all changes. I’ll just enjoy this as a special moment and not worry about it. Have fun at the conference.


  4. ParulParul

    Very poetic, dream like.. Beautiful !
    Good work Debra.
    glad you took time out for this.

  5. Linda VernonLinda Vernon

    I really liked “As I spin, his palace instantly stitches itself back together from the pile of rubble around us” really well done! 😀

  6. penny l howepenny l howe

    A beautiful moment – fantasy and love, the perfect combination, thank you!

  7. Emma MeadeEmma Meade

    I was at that house in Barcelona last summer. Have a great time this weekend.
    You really do think ‘fairytale’ around Gaudi’s work.

  8. Kitt CrescendoKitt Crescendo

    Those little patios reminded me of masquerade masks. Really enjoyed the little story that accompanied it. Have a safe trip!

  9. Christopher SchuckChristopher Schuck

    Excellent story! I can see the authorship in your writing.

    (Don’t we all have dead people forcing us to write? Why else?)

  10. David StewartDavid Stewart

    Wow, it sounds like a truly magical moment. How long will it last, for a lifetime?

  11. RussellRussell

    I liked it and never considered and never considered something bad would soon happen. Either I’m just trusting and naïve, or I just want to enjoy the moment of bliss.

  12. Rochelle Wisoff-FieldsRochelle Wisoff-Fields

    Dear Debra,
    Hope you’re enjoying your time away as much as I enjoyed your story. As Freud said, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” And in this case a well written romance is just a romance. At least that’s how I choose to see it. 😉

  13. NeensNeens

    A magical, spellbinding flash!

  14. tedstrutztedstrutz

    I liked your piece, and the photo of the castle. I loved this photo and just do not have the time to write anything, as I have been so busy with work. Thank you for the nice comment, Debra.

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