Days Away – YA and Sci-Fi Writing Contest

This post is for all my YA and Sci-Fi writer peeps. I realize this is late notice, but my little Monkey is well enough today to sit on the sofa so that I can drag the laptop out and type. I see fewer bed changes and bowl wash outs in store for me today, thankfully.


If you’re a young adult or science fiction writer with a finished manuscript ready for submission you may want to check out the Writer’s Digest contest, The Lucky Agent. Every year it changes genre and it just so happens to fit what I write this time around. I’ll be submitting. The fabulous Victoria Marini is judging the event and the top three winners will receive a critique of the first 10 double-spaced pages of their work. Plus, a free one-year subscription to ($50 value)! How cool is that? You have till January 31, 2013 to get those submissions in. Check out the details on Chuck’s Sambuchino’s blog.

Last year the judging agent actually signed one of the three winners and sold two of her books! Hey, wouldn’t you like to take a chance at something like that? You never know if you don’t try. Did I mention the contest is free? How can you pass that up?

If you aren’t already following Chuck  Sambuchino’s blog I suggest you check it out. It’s a wonderful resource for writers looking to improve their craft and get published.


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.

17 thoughts on “Days Away – YA and Sci-Fi Writing Contest”

  1. Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)

    I’m SOOO close to finishing the first draft of Shattered Secrets, but it’s far from ready for submission. BOOO! Sounds like a fun contest though. Hope monkey is doing better. We’ve all been sick with the stomach bug…except my hubby. He seems to have escaped the plague–err, norovirus. LOL.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I echo your booo! Sorry to hear you’ve all been sharing the flu. That’s no fun. 🙁 Monkey’s problem is her asthma. When it gets this bad it might as well be the flu. There’s fever and all that other good stuff. We haven’t had to deal with her asthma for a while. We were kind of hoping she was growing out of it.

        • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

          I completely understand that. Many children do. I hear that they always have to be on the watch for it as they grow older, though. Still, it’s not nearly as bad as it used to be. I hope you can say the same.

  2. Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

    Oh cool! Good luck, Debra! This makes me wish I were more efficient and had one of my YA novels finished. Heck, I wish I had one started! But I’m getting closer. Of course next year they’ll be doing romance while I’m doing YA. 🙂

  3. Diana BeebeDiana Beebe

    This sounds like a great opportunity. Too bad my ms is more fantasy than SF. Good luck with your submission! 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Any type of YA is welcome. Give it a go. 🙂 You have one whole day! My girl took a turn for the worse last night. Thankfully I pulled most of it together beforehand.

  4. EmmaEmma

    Hope she’ll be much better tomorrow.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, Emma. So do I. I was hoping we were past the middle of the night nebulizer treatments.

      • EmmaEmma

        That was me when I was a kid. The asthma may get milder as she grows up. That’s what happened to me and I rarely need to use my inhalers now. Fingers crossed for you both.

  5. Kim GriffinKim Griffin

    I’m not finished mine yet ~ but it sounds like a great opportunity! Good luck, Debra!

  6. August McLaughlinAugust McLaughlin

    I love the concept of “Dear lucky agent.” It’s so important that talented, hardworking writers (LIKE YOU) realize the gift they are to reps they land. Good luck! Not that you need it, but it can’t hurt. 😉

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