Blissful Moments and Secret Places : Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers is back. Only it’s not Friday. Oops. Maybe I forgot how to read a calendar. Nah, don’t think so. Could be that I figured this blog could use some attention. I’ve been so busy with the editing, writing and (most importantly) family, that I haven’t been around many of the social media sites lately. I know! Slap my hand. But I’m here now and I’m going to play. So plop your butt in the chair and get ready for my 100 word story. I apologize up front for those looking for a Happy Feel Good read, skip to the bottom. Not sure this first one is the one for you. Err, yeah. Anyway… read this at your own risk.

Copyright by Janet Webb

Disclosure: Contains emotionally dark content based on a true LGBT event

The Blissful Moment

Word Count: 100

So tired. Rest – yes, I’ll just rest a bit. The fence is good.

The slam of a car door interrupts the quiet. An engine revved, tires spinning in mud. And then they were gone.


Thirsty. A dry swallow. The taste of copper pennies.

Sleep coming. Darkness seeping into vision. The ache dulls.

Thankful. Forever thankful that God lifts the pain

Magic. Sunlight eclipses the moon, creating day. Welcoming breezes lift the once broken body, now healed and restored. Matthew meets a new life and walks in a world where there is no hate, and bullying is of no concern.


This short tale was my attempt to give sweet Matthew Shepard a bright ending. There is a light at the end of a dark and ugly end. And as tragic as his death was it woke people up and got the ball rolling on some very important issues. You can read about Matthew here and here. Stand up against all types of bullying. It’s never all right.

Many thanks this week to Janet Webb for providing the picture prompt. Friday Fictioneers is a regular event. It happens every Friday with the picture prompt being made available on the prior Wednesday. If you would like to jump on board the fiction wagon, you are more than welcome. Swagger on over to Rochelle’s blog and sign up. It’s that simple. If you enjoyed this read, you’ll find a good variety there; just take the tour. Click on the happy frog. He’ll thank you for it.

Just for fun, and because I was inspired late at night by the barn after reading a few stories in the newly published Five Minute Romances Anthology, I had to write this second piece. Fictioneers you don’t need to keep reading, you can stop with the first one if you like. I just felt the need to put this one into words.

Warning: May not be appropriate for younger eyes.

Secret Places

Word Count: 100

Jessie unfolded the note. Meet me at our secret place. Biting her lip, she stole a glance of her reflection in the mirror. Exhaling heavily, she ran her fingers through her hair and grabbed the lip gloss.

Running to old man Johnson’s barn, she thought of only him. His deep blue eyes, dark thick hair, and strong set jaw. Rounding the back corner she tingled with excitement at the sight of him.

Pulling her into his embrace, hands exploring, their lips met. Soft, then passionate, heated.

“I’ll show you my secret place,” she teased, hand tugging at his jeans button.


If you haven’t heard about the newly published LARA anthology, Five Minute Romances, I invite you to check it out. It’s the latest book put out by the Los Angeles Romance Authors of which I took part of. Yep, you heard right, one of my stories is in that fun little book. AND a story that is so deliciously bad it requires a warning. Does that make you want to read it now?

Tomorrow I am participating in a vlogoff. My very first vlog EVER! I’m sure I look/sound horrific! I know I talked far too long. Can you say “EDIT.” I would be tickled PINK if you would come by and vote for me. 😀 Hug!


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.



59 thoughts on “Blissful Moments and Secret Places : Friday Fictioneers”

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, Amy. I look forward to reading yours. I got a wonderful chuckle out of last weeks. You must have had such fun with that. The picture was so intriguing, I so wanted to participate, but it just didn’t work out. I’m glad I got to enjoy your take though.

      February 21, 2013
  1. kindredspirit23kindredspirit23

    Both were very well done. The second was a story in itself without preamble.

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I’m glad you enjoyed them Scott. You’re always so wonderful to stop by. I can’t wait to see what you came up with.

      February 21, 2013
  2. rochellewisoffrochellewisoff

    Dear Debra,
    Your stories are well written. The first one’s disturbing as it should be. The second…well…some secrets are sweeter than others. 😉

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I agree, Rochelle, on both accounts. I almost dropped the first one to leave only light-hearted feeling to the blog today. Obviously I didn’t. Thank you for swinging by.

      February 21, 2013
  3. Jennette Marie PowellJennette Marie Powell

    Two lovely stories! And LOL at the day – hey, it’s not a bad thing to turn in an “assignment” early! 🙂 Congrats again on your story publication!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Ha! Thanks, Jennette. I was in a pickle. Had to get this out early, or end up with either two on Friday or no Flash Fiction – again. Hmm. Me, in a vlog. It’s scary.

      February 21, 2013
  4. Marcy KennedyMarcy Kennedy

    I like your play on words in the second story 🙂

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      That one was fun and came to me so quickly. Like it wanted to be written. I love those stories. Thanks, Marcy.

      February 21, 2013
  5. EmmaEmma

    I loved the teasing tone of the second one.

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      It would seem Jessie is a bit of a tease. 😉 Thanks, Emma. I love having you come by.

      February 21, 2013
  6. JKBradleyJKBradley

    Thank you for sharing both of those.

    February 21, 2013
  7. Lynn KelleyLynn Kelley

    Wow! Way to go, Debra! Well done. The Blissful Moment is a moving and powerful piece. How cool that you did a blog. I’m looking forward to it!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, Lynn. It was scary creating my first vlog. Now that I have the hang of the program it will be easier. Maybe the next one will be more fun. We’ll see what topic they come up with. I was thinking total market when I chose my angle this time around. Nothing fun and zany like yours, I’m sorry to say.

      February 22, 2013
  8. Lynn KelleyLynn Kelley

    That s/b v-l-o-g. Stupid auto correct on my iPad mini!

    February 21, 2013
  9. jansenschmidtjansenschmidt

    I love both stories and the fact that is was written in response to such a tragic event is wonderful.

    Thanks for sharing. I’ll try to stop by with some encouragement tomorrow for the vlog thingey.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, my dear! I’m glad you enjoyed them. Your support tomorrow would be greatly appreciated – should you find the time. Loved your “getting to know you better” post. Very fun.

      February 22, 2013
      • jansenschmidtjansenschmidt

        Perhaps you might know me a little more than you were hoping to. Thanks for your blog support.


        February 22, 2013
  10. deanabodeanabo

    Both tstories were terrific!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      That I did, Janet. Damn the brain for over thinking. Thanks for popping in.

      February 22, 2013
  11. kzkz

    wonderful, both stories. the first one’s so powerful while the second one’s delightful. two very different tales and both very well-written. 🙂

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I appreciate that, KZ. Thank you. They really did fall at opposite ends of the spectrum, didn’t they?

      February 22, 2013
      • kzkz

        yup. really showed versatility 🙂

        February 22, 2013
  12. claudiaclaudia

    Thanks for both stories. Interesting using the fence with MS story…a good thing you did. Thanks for link to romance story connection too. I just had a short romance published in another book…fun isn’t it!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I’m not sure what it was about that picture that made me think of Matthew, or if I just had him on my mind already. Anyway, that’s where my thoughts wanted to go. You’re welcome for the link. There are some great reads in there. Super fun and exciting about your story/book. Did you post about it on your blog? If so, I’ll have to look for that.

      February 22, 2013
  13. Lena CorazonLena Corazon

    I loved these both, Debra, and I love how different they both are. The first is incredibly moving. The Matthew Shepard murder happened when I was in junior high, and it was the first time I had ever been confronted with the hatred that stems from homophobia. For a sheltered Catholic girl, it was an eye-opening moment, and one that continues to haunt me.

    Thanks for sharing these with us!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Matthew’s case opens the eyes for a lot of people. It’s sad that it had to happen that way, but I’m thankful that eyes were opened. It just breaks my heart every time I think about it. Hatred is ignorant. Dressing it up in religion should be sacrilegious.

      February 22, 2013
  14. Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

    Both of them are great! Glad you left off with the fun one though. 🙂

    Looking forward to your vlog…and thanks for reminding me that I should get something up on my blog. Been neglecting that as much as I have been sleep lately. 🙂

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You don’t normally get a traditional romance out of me, but can whip one up from time to time.
      Looking forward to see and hearing the real me? LOL. Yep. You’ll get bored of that after a minute and switch to something else. Hahaha! Talking about sleep, that’s what I should be doing right now. Hmmm.

      February 22, 2013
  15. tedstrutztedstrutz

    I was just reveling in the wonderful first story, and then you go ‘all romance novelist’ on me!

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Did I surprise you? Going romance? ;D It was a fun change. It’s been a while since I’d written a “normal” romance scene, if you know what I mean. No supernatural involvement. I kind of dig it.

      February 22, 2013
  16. yebuccaneeryebuccaneer

    The 2nd story you really caught her mood in a very nice way, with her biting her finger etc…Jessie is a naughty, delightful tease..we all knew a Jessie in our young says, who was such fun!
    Am reading up on the first one. You handled it very delicately and justly, and raised a good point. Traumatic.

    February 21, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Well, I haven’t had any one-on-one with a Jessie, myself. But I can say that there were a few that would frequent the watering hole where I used to bartend years ago. If a proposition came my way I would always respectfully declined. 😉
      Thank you for your fun and kind words on both pieces. Can I just say, I love having a pirate visit my blog?!

      February 22, 2013
  17. Joe OwensJoe Owens

    Both stories are headliners. How nioce of you to share both. Good luck today with your video blog.

    February 22, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thanks so very much, Joe. The vlog is out of the bag now. Can’t change my mind. Ugh. Time to get over the stage fright. 😀

      February 22, 2013
  18. Perry Block (@PerryBlock)Perry Block (@PerryBlock)

    Now that’s a diversity of themes: i read the first one and felt sad that such things happen to people, and then I read the second one and felt sad such things don’t happen to me. Both stories were very well done!

    February 22, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Now you made me sad, Perry. You know, those of us who don’t experience it, write about it. Right? ;D Thank you for your kind compliment.

      February 22, 2013
  19. Rebecca EnzorRebecca Enzor

    I loved both stories, but that first one really tugged at my heartstrings. Beautiful ending.

    February 22, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Then I did my job properly. A tugger was the idea – with a lovely ending. Thank you for coming by and showering the blog with your sweet comments.

      February 22, 2013
  20. bridgesareforburningbridgesareforburning

    Hi Debra,
    Excellent writing. We really feel what your character is going through and can relate. Poetic writing. Ron

    February 22, 2013
  21. SandraSandra

    I enjoyed both pieces Debra. Nicely contrasting pieces. Well done.

    February 22, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I appreciate that. Thank you for taking the time to come by and for your lovely comment, Sandra.

      February 22, 2013
  22. moondustwritermoondustwriter

    Thoughtful piece about bullying; we are not as aware of the ramifications as we should
    and your second delightful and passionate

    February 22, 2013
  23. rgayer55Russellrgayer55Russell

    First of all, I loved both your stories. Secondly, congrats on getting a story in the romance anthology. I’ll admit your teaser mad me curious 🙂

    February 22, 2013
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I do enjoy hearing that. Thank you, Russell. And thank you for the kind word regarding the anthology.

      February 22, 2013
  24. 40again40again

    I enjoyed reading both Debra, such a contrast.Well done

    February 23, 2013
  25. annisik51annisik51

    I applaud you for using your talent as an artist to speak out agains the evils in our society.I also applaud you for speaking out for blissful moments! I like the contrast between the two different ‘acts’ carried out in the same place. That’s about choices: we CHOOSE between love and hate. Speech over! Ann

    February 23, 2013
  26. train-whistletrain-whistle

    re: Blissful Moments:
    We’ve been celebrating Black History Month at the nursing home. A local gentleman came to speak with us this week. Eugene Williams is 85 years old and helped changed our community. He attempted to enroll his daughter in the all white elementary school every year, taking his case to the Virginia courts until four years of appeals later, she was admitted. He founded Dogwood Housing, increasing housing opportunities for low income residents. He told us during his visit that continuing conversation is necessary. We still have a long way to go. We have a long way to go in our conversations regarding all forms of hate in our society. Thank you for keeping the conversation going in your piece here.

    February 23, 2013
  27. Björn Rudberg (brudberg)Björn Rudberg (brudberg)

    2 wonderful stories. And stories of bullying always makes me cold inside, partly because I’m afraid I would be a passive onlooker… A coward inside that would try to avoid such things, I had never hears the story before… We have our own stories here in Sweden.

    February 24, 2013
  28. abrahamabraham

    First story is disturbing, as is the real story behind it.
    Both were well written (of course we read both 🙂 )

    February 25, 2013

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