It’s NaNo time again! Are you in? If you are familiar, than you know November is National Novel Writing Month, otherwise referred to as NaNoWriMo. If you are participating then you are already in the thick of it – one week in and hopefully a new novel started. This is the month when writers lock themselves…
Books, Books, Books! Pick any book. It’s bigger on the inside! Indeed it is! Each and every book is much bigger on the inside. Like a mini TARDIS of imagination locked within the pages. It’s magical, mystical, almost incomprehensible, but true. It’s a Narnia waiting to be discovered by you! Why wouldn’t you want to…
Authors want to make their stories, not only engaging but, authentic and true to the setting and characters. Experts say to write what you know―always good advice. Characters sometimes have other ideas. Sometimes they have a strong opinion about where their story should take place. And sometimes you, as the author, are less than familiar…
The Birthday – the milestone event of another year. I told Susie Lindau, the Wild Rider that I would blog about this day and then I proceeded to panic about it all week long. This is why I write fiction. I’m no good with real life. My characters say it so much better than I ever…
Let’s face it. Times aren’t what they used to be. It’s a rushed society and our hours dwindle fast. That makes what few minutes we can spare precious, so don’t waste them rambling. I spent a fair amount of time researching a particular topic these past few weeks and was surprised how many sites didn’t have information nicely organized…
Friday Fictioneers is back. Only it’s not Friday. Oops. Maybe I forgot how to read a calendar. Nah, don’t think so. Could be that I figured this blog could use some attention. I’ve been so busy with the editing, writing and (most importantly) family, that I haven’t been around many of the social media sites…
What would you do for love? Let’s face it. The feeling is addictive. It can drive people to crazy extremes. Would you climb the highest mountain? Run across the state? Sit through a marathon of your least favorite television show? How many frogs are you willing to kiss to find your perfect match? (I have…
This post is for all my YA and Sci-Fi writer peeps. I realize this is late notice, but my little Monkey is well enough today to sit on the sofa so that I can drag the laptop out and type. I see fewer bed changes and bowl wash outs in store for me today, thankfully.…
It’s Friday. Guess that means I’m trying my hand at another 100 word fiction piece via Friday Fictioneers. Honestly, I didn’t know what I was going to write until 1:30 this morning. The picture is beautiful, but the story just wasn’t coming. Maybe I’m too caught up in edits and writing, or maybe it’s something…
Well, it’s been a crazy week. I’m sure you’ve all had them. When you say you’re going to do certain things and then they just don’t happen. That’s how it’s been. I was lucky enough to attend the fabulous Orange County RWA Chapter meeting last Saturday and listen to the amazing Christine Ashworth and Jessica…
I’m jumping back on the short fiction train. The challenge is to write a story based on the picture prompt and keep it to 100 words. A challenge I take to heart. This fun exercise is something I enjoy and hope to continue. New participants are always welcome. Pop on over and meet our amazing…
Happy Holidays my fellow fictioneers and readers! Today’s little ditty may have been inspired by, um, well, a book I’ve been reading A LOT over this last month. But I’ll fill you in on that later. First, the story: ‒ Dinner for Two ‒ The tree was trimmed, the table set. He had better like surprises. She…