Rolling into 2014 not with a roar, but with a constant cough has helped put my life and priorities into perspective. But the cough alone wasn’t strong enough to help me see through the layers of confusion I’d built up around me. No, it took something much more serious. A full month of illness, an…
Only a god could drag me out of my writer’s cave. Oh! Looky, we have ourselves a god. Maybe I should start at the beginning, tell you how we ended up here… Once upon a time a little girl was crushing BIG time on the almighty god Thor. I can’t say I blame her. He’s…
“You must personally accept the responsibility of improving your own life.” ~ Chögyam Trungpa How often do you think your life is stuck in a rut? Do you look around and feel like everyone else has it pulled together better than you? Let me tell you a secret…they don’t. It’s all a matter of perception.…
Balance. It’s something we all strive for in our daily life. I’ve struggled with it immensely this year. Between family, writing and social media, I felt as if I was taking two steps back for every one step forward, and so something had to change. Many writers, like me, have been busting their butts trying…
Nothing pulls me free from two weeks of migraine pain better than a swift smack from Thor’s hammer. (Excuse me if this posts rambles a bit. It’s coming right off the cuff, with the kids at my side, begging for attention.) There I was, minding my own business, curled up in my own little misery…
This blog likes to travel! Unfortunately, I’m not the one who gets to enjoy all the fabulous sites and hospitality. Thor is taking the world by storm (pun intended). Can you tell me what Tinker Bell, hockey and snow have in common with Thor? Head on over to Louise Behiel’s blog to find out. Thor…
Where has everyone gone? Oh, wait. I’m the one who went missing!! MIA-me and Thor. Where have we been? You’re not thinking we ran off together, or are you? Nooo. That’s just silly. If you’ve been following this blog, then you know Thor is somewhere in Canada and I am not. Maybe I’m hanging out with Chris…
I hate homework! Okay. That might be a little strong. But, that’s what my kids are already singing and what I was dealing with as of last week. I’m not a huge fan of piles of paperwork or reliving elementary education. Of course, life isn’t always about what we want, is it? Where is THOR!!!…