Posts Tagged: Fantasy author

As told by Madame Marrouske (Old Mystic – A Balance Bringer Chronicles Character) * If Madame Marrouske were a real person, this is what she would have to say about the astrological signs and their current state. This horoscope is meant to be fun and not to be taken seriously. Enjoy. Until December 21st, relationships…
As told by Madame Marrouske (Old Mystic – A Balance Bringer Chronicles Character) * If Madame Marrouske were a real person, this is what she would have to say about the astrological signs and their current state. This horoscope is meant to be fun and not to be taken seriously. Enjoy. Darling Aries, November will…
Do you ever feel like you’ve gotten bogged down in the muck of your reality? When that happens to me I need a little something to spice up my life. Nothing major, just a minute change. Most of the time I direct this ‘change’ to my environment – my home decor. Honestly, I tend to…
How far do you go to research your stories? I’ve flown across the country, walked forever so that I could hike deep into the dark, stalagmite covered caverns inside of a mountain. But those are stories for another time. Today we’re talking about old, abandoned mines. Gold mines. Mercury mines. Coal mines. Becoming: The Balance…
Halloween is two weeks away. I used to get overly excited about this particular holiday. We’d take weeks or more transforming our house. Building rooms within rooms. Creating tunnels, cemeteries, and every kind of scare you can conceive.  This year things are different. This year I’m finding it difficult to get the decorating buzz humming.…
Let’s wander down the dusty path of yesteryear’s adventures to the Madewood Plantation. Oh…wait. I’m not telling this right. *You’re not going to believe this, but…two perfectly fun and slightly insane writers set off across the country to spend the night in a three hundred year-old haunted plantation house just to be able to say…