Posts Tagged: writing prompts
Well, it’s been a crazy week. I’m sure you’ve all had them. When you say you’re going to do certain things and then they just don’t happen. That’s how it’s been. I was lucky enough to attend the fabulous Orange County RWA Chapter meeting last Saturday and listen to the amazing Christine Ashworth and Jessica…
It’s time for Friday Fictioneers. A fun challenge to create a 100 word story based on the provided photo prompt. Rochelle Wisoff-Field is our lovely organizer. Drop by and pay her a visit, jump in and join us. You might actually have some fun. Today you’re getting a twofer. Yep, I couldn’t deny the second story knocking at my…
Friday means: Friday Fictioneers! I may have neglected the last two weeks of this fun posting after committing to it, but I didn’t feel it would be fair to post something when my family would keep me too busy to comment or peruse other participates. So here I am, back in the game. If something…
Welcome to a second edition of Friday Fictioneers. I am now two for two. Woot woot! This one is also coming in at an even 100 word count – yay! If you’re unfamiliar with Friday Fictioneers, it’s when writers take on the challenge of writing a 100 word story, poem, haiku, based on a photo…
Friday! I love Fridays, don’t you? First, I’d like to put a big shout out to my new followers. I plan to pay you all a visit when I get back from my writer’s retreat. What retreat you ask? Well, I am currently holed up by myself in an undisclosed location for an entire week to…
When I first came up with the concept of Immortal Monday, my thought was to eventually share a running storyline about immortals. Let’s face it, I am a story-teller. I’m doing my best to be an excellent blogger for you, but I often feel like I fall on my face. Can you see the visual?…