Friday means: Friday Fictioneers! I may have neglected the last two weeks of this fun posting after committing to it, but I didn’t feel it would be fair to post something when my family would keep me too busy to comment or peruse other participates. So here I am, back in the game. If something like this interests you, feel free to jump in and join us. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is our host and you can find all the info you need on her blog. Prompted by a photo each week, we follow up with our 100 word prose or poem by Friday. Here is mine:
![Copyright-Rochelle Wisoff-Fields](
Devon stared at the joyful holiday lights decorating the buildings lining the street. They made her sick. Joy no longer took up residence in her heart.
She dropped her head and walked directly to the car. Even within its confines, she couldn’t hide from the festive flavor sparkling across the windows.
“Lousy holidays,” she mumbled, as she shoved the key in the ignition.
Christmas used to be her favorite season. Never again. It had taken Joshua from her and life would never be the same. Now she could never forget, nor forgive.
Damn drunk drivers and their holiday parties.
Okay, so I may not have been in the best place when I wrote this. But this short fiction is actually better than the original draft. One might say this wasn’t my best week for uplifting inspiration. But that’s information for another post. It may be that this piece ended up where it needed to be. As Natalie Hartford can tell you, we must always be mindful of other drivers on the road. During the holiday season, doubly so. On our way home from the airport this last Sunday we had two cars swerve into our lane causing us to back off and honk. Thankfully we were very alert. Need I say it people? PLEASE, drink and drive responsibly.
Too often accidents happen, and dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy, add in the holidays – ugh. As I’ve said before, it’s like trying to ignore the elephant in the room. If you or someone you know is dealing with such a loss, this might help. So remember, if you’re out spreading holiday cheer and met with a grumpy attitude, it might be a grumpy attitude, or it might be something more. Never judge that which you do not know.
Happy Holiday Crazies, my friends!
To check in with more fabulous Friday Fictioneers by clicking on the link:
I apologize for the lateness of my Friday post. It’s hard to stay on time when school dismissal has been early all week, the husband has been home from work, and everything I own has been breaking in time for the holidays. Cheers! Now I’m off to go buy a new refrigerator. 😀
Yes, not such a happy time for many. Good point too, may account for many a Grinch, so don’t be quick to judge. Good luck with the fridge.
Yep. I know it’s easy to be quick to judge. And it’s too easy not to consider the reasons behind another’s actions. Thanks for the wishes of luck. We got a new fridge on the way and now we’re cancelling Christmas. LOL. But at least we’ll be able to refrigerate food again.
No, you and your husband just got a gift you weren’t expecting.
True. Are you paying for it? 😉 Just kidding.
So sad, and unfortunately so real for many people. And the pain can hit when you least want it to.
And it sounds like you’re having a BAD week. Who wants to spend the Christmas money on replacing the fridge? Hope things improve soon.
Thank you, Sharon. It’s so sad that this is so real for some. This week has been a little challenging. I like to think of it as character building. I appreciate your kind words. My family will get through this. The kids may not like it come Christmas day, but they’ll survive. LOL.
love around the tree has great value. Once I got my daughters their own can of whipped cream. They still laugh about it.
ps — I really liked this story. I had a roommate who lost his sister to a drunk driver who had multiple DUI’s.
My daughter would LOVE a can of whipped cream. I always tease that she’s like the Energizer Bunny on crack when she has any sugar. She loves it so. 😀 This will be a good experience for them.
Thank you, Bill. It’s a sad thing when innocence is lost to the reckless and stupidity of others. I hope your roommate has somehow pulled something positive from that wreckage. It takes time. A lot of time. I know that sounds strange, but in some weird way I am familiar with how we can take the bad and end up working it for good – eventually. Of course, that in no way lessens the harm done or the gravity of this horrible life events.
thank you, that was many years ago. He was a massive young man, and to hear him weep was something I will always remember.
One other thing we did at Christmas was to do what we could for another family. That was always made everyone feel good too. Have a blessed Christmas
Debra, thanks for sharing that. I know after my husband sold our bar, one of the best things was that we could celebrate the holidays in a safe place – home. The holidays are an awful time for many, whether it’s a loss like this, one of natural causes, or more temporary (one hopes) problems like money or family we’d rather not see. {{hugs}}
It has to be hard as the owner of a bar wondering what everyone does when they walk out your door. When I was in college a friend and I wanted to open a bar together. We had plans for a dueling piano bar. Unfortunetly he died all to young. It would have been a different course in life for me, that’s for sure. I worked in a bar for a long time and saw a lot of things. I think I’m glad my life didn’t go that way. You’re right, the holidays can be tough for many. Whatever the reason may be, we can only hope they eventually see the light at the other side. Thanks so much for the hugs.
We saw too many accidents on the Pennsylvania turnpike the Sunday after Thanksgiving and those were not even drink-related. The thing that never seems fair is that the drunk driver usually walks away…and then repeats. That has to be stopped. I like bars that give designated drivers free drinks and people thoughtful enough to have a designated driver. Texting while driving is even worse because it’s so much more prevalent.
I hope your holidays are completely the opposite of this but thank you for your well-written, emotion-filled story.
You know why drunks have a better chance of walking away? Because they don’t tense up during the accident like the sober individual does. Because of that they survive with fewer injuries. I agree, texting is a bigger problem. It’s a real scary thing. I hope your holidays are safe and full of cheer.
Yours, too, Debra.
Hi Debra,
Good cautionary tale. As a former newspaper writer (many years ago) I can attest to the fact that people always die unnecessily at the holidays. Very sad. Don’t think you need to apologize or explain yourself for any lapses. Just glad when you do post! Ron
Thanks, Ron. I appreciate your kind words. I’m sure you saw some pretty horrible things in your line of work. I can’t imagine being faced with stories like that on a regular basis. That had to be hard. Blessing to you. I hope your holiday season is filled with plenty of light and magic.
any comment i could possibly make will not be anywhere close to the importance of the message. i hope this wasn’t written through personal experience.
Thank you, Rich. I haven’t had this exact experience (Christmas loss), but I have experienced a few things. No worries. I’m at peace with the events of my past. It’s taken me a long time to get to this point, but I finally understand that it’s all made me who I am. I see it as my place to somehow find the good in there somewhere and use that in some way to help others. TI think that’s part of the reason I write.
When I was fourteen, I lost my fifteen year old cousin because he and his friend, who was driving, had had a beer at a ball game. I can appreciate this on every level. Well and bravely done.
I am really sorry to hear that, Kathy. It’s always hardest on those of us left behind to weed through the wreckage. I hope the years have brought you some beautifully sound healing to both the mind and soul. Thank you for stopping by and gracing me with your kind words and personal story.
I’m sure the holidays stir up all kinds of unhappy memories for people. Nice piece to address this issue.
Thank you, Amy. The holidays are a mixed bag of emotions when we look at all of them being experience simultaneously. That is, if you could. Now there’s the makings of a prompt for you.
It’s terrible to lose someone at any time, but Christmas must make it so much worse. You got this across well.
I appreciate that, Sandra. I tried not to come across too dark and depressing. That’s not easy to do when dealing with this topic. I can’t imagine having Christmas forever associated with such a terrible loss, but I know it happenes.and it’s so sad.
Dear Debra,
I’m stunned by this powerful story. Applause.
Wow. I’m taken back by this. Thank you, Rochelle.
Good story – sometimes, depressing is good.
Sorry you aren’t in the best of spirits though.
Hey Scott! I think it’s good for us to run the gambit of emotions at one time or another. Life has been testing me this week. I am smiling right now though. It’s the accumulation of the little things that really matter.Remembering to hug our family members and sharing the stories that hold meaning to them. Thanks for stopping by.
Glad to.
What a sad story.
Yeah, it”s a little on the sad side. Thanks for stopping in and commenting, Mari.
It’s hard for some of us to remember that the holidays aren’t always a happy time for everyone. Hope this isn’t a personal story. So sad.
It’s often hard for us to place ourselves in another’s shoes, especially if those shoes are walking a path we’ve never explored. And it so easy to forget at a time of celebration. I love that so many places place out boxes for donations at this time of year, but it doesn’t help those that are morning a loss of this magnitude. Something in that picture just made me think of it.
Dear Debra,
Some of the best writing drags itself kicking and screaming onto the page from very dark places. Don’t let your fear of upsetting your readers or writing something that you think might take them out of their comfort zones influence your decisions. Just write what you feel and if it passes muster with you, then send it on to us. This story was one of the best this week for a number of reasons, not the least of which was your powerful message. Thanks also for the song and the link to the blog detailing the high cost of drinking and driving.
Wishing you well on your journey.
Wow, Doug. Thank you. I don’t think I can properly express what your words mean to me. I know our best work is a result of following our gut. I try to stay true to that as often as possible. Occasionally that bad boy, doubt, creeps in.
Well written, and a zero tolerance on drinking and driving is so much needed. I destroys so many lives… And to be reminded by it by other’s joy make it double cruel.
I agree, Bjorn. Anything that people do behind the wheel that impairs their driving should fall under “no tolerance.” I include texting, or anything with a smartphone for that matter. Just leaning forward to change the radio station in your car can lead to an accident, so people are foolish to think they are so skilled to get away with all these other things. I really appreciate you swinging by and taking the time to comment on my piece.
Yeah the holidays aren’t cheery for all, that I know at my hall. But at least I am done everything at my wing. Just a bit of wrapping and that will be that.
Dang. You are organized. I think you need to come over here and help get this ship in shape. ;D
Powerful fiction Debra…I felt the emotions as if they mirrored my own at times.
Thank you so much for linking to my post and for all your commentors who visited and lent their support. Means the world to me and the more people who can hear and spread the message, the better our chances of stopping impaired driving. Every bit of support helps make a difference…THANK YOU!
Happy holiday season and here’s to a greater/happier week ahead…HUGS!
It’s so sad that it hit home for you, but I do appreciate the compliment.
You are very welcome for the link. You know you’re the first one I think of when I think of that cause. You got that branding message going on. And yes, every little bit helps.
May your holiday season be Merry and Bright! Mine can only get better! 😀 Thanks again. Big hugs right back at ya.
Lovely piece, Debra. Such an important issue anytime of year.
You’re such a sweetheart, Diana. Thanks a million.