It’s time for Friday Fictioneers. A fun challenge to create a 100 word story based on the provided photo prompt. Rochelle Wisoff-Field is our lovely organizer. Drop by and pay her a visit, jump in and join us. You might actually have some fun. Today you’re getting a twofer. Yep, I couldn’t deny the second story knocking at my inner creative wall. Enjoy.
from Rich Voza

~Time Clots~
Her steps faltered, guilt slowing her progress.
She should come more often. Bad. So bad.
Shaking the thoughts from her head, she forced herself onward.
The door ajar, light filtered out into the hall. Silently she slipped into the room and slid down into the chair beside him.
His face brightened. “You look as lovely as the day we first met.” He folded her hand within his own. “As radiant as our wedding day.”
“Grandpa, it’s me.” She watched the confusion cloud his eyes and it pained her. The reason she’d stayed away. “Miss you Papa.” She squeezed his hand.
[100 words]
~Grandpa’s Holiday Getaway~
Pitter, pat, pitter, pat. His feet padded down the linoleum hallway. He could see the door now. The first step towards freedom. It was unguarded.
Passing an opening on his right, he waved. “Goodbye, Fred,” he bellowed. He heard a cough in reply.
“Mr. Johnson, where do you think you’re going?”
They were on to him, he walked faster. Glancing over his shoulder he spotted the spunky nurse staring him down. “I’m going home for the holidays.”
“Forget something?” She raised a brow appraisingly.
“The dressing gown belongs to the hospital and I couldn’t find where you hid my clothes.”
[100 words]
Normally the Friday fictions are a single 100 word story, but today’s prompt inspired two separate stories sparked by actual events with my late grandfather. As time wore on it became increasingly difficult for him to stay in the now and so walking down memory lane with him became common. Although he never confused me for anyone else.
The second flash fiction is based on a rather funny event. My grandfather was in the hospital for knee surgery which he later used as an excuse to drop his pants in front of the ladies. To show off his knee, of course. But while he was in the hospital he decided he was ready to go home. He promptly removed the hospital gown, neatly folded it and hung it over the support meant for his leg hanging above the bed. He then left the room and head down the hall in his birthday suit. It’s unclear how he planned to get home from the hospital naked and without a wallet, but he never made it far enough to find out. It became one of the nurse’s favorite stories. I can’t imagine why.
And because you can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to music – an amazingly great rendition of Silent Night by one of my favorites…
May your weekend be Merry and Bright.
You may check in with more fabulous Friday Fictioneers by clicking on the link:
Both sad ones, and both beautifully done. Enjoyed them.
Thank you, Sandra. Through it all my grandfather always had a small on his face. I wish that for everyone. He was very jolly has he attempted his hospital escape.
Sandra’s right, they’re sad stories, and beautifully written. The way you speak/write of your grandfather, it’s clear how much you loved him and cherish the memories.
Aw, thank you so much. He was very loved and cherished. I appreciate your kind words.
Yeah, I know that pain, or sudden awkwardness with a relative who used to be close but has been robbed of their memories. A bit like that with my grandmother. Very nicely written.
I’m sorry about your grandmother. Those are difficult waters to navigate, aren’t’ they? And yet, somehow those slips into the past allow you a peak into parts of them you may have otherwise never been privy. I learned things my family had never thought to share.
Enjoyed them both, the first poignant, the second poignant and funny. Sadly, though, most of us have had experiences like this and I’m at the stage where they’re with parent, not grandparents.
Thanks for sharing with us.
That’s hard when we think about our parents getting to this stage. I do understand where you’re at. . It can be an unsettling feeling. Thanks for stopping by, Perry.
These were both beautifully written. Sad and uplifting all in one (or two, really). Poignant is the perfect word!
Wonderful compliment. Thanks so very much.
Loved both stories, thanks for sharing
I’m glad you enjoyed them. Thank you for stopping by.
Love the interpretations Debra! Both are kind of sad….I hope neither of us are in those situations for a reeeeeeeally long time!
I agree. A really, really long time. Possibly never. 😀 I’m glad you loved my take on the prompt. Means a lot coming for the flash fiction queen. Why haven’t you been writing them lately?
Thank you!
I have written a lot of them and the last couple didn’t get very good views. I am taking a break for now. I also want to expand on some of them… 🙂
awww. i have not yet had experiences with someone who has problems with memory and recognition. i imagine it’s a painful thing, and i do not look forward to it. well done.
Thank you, Rich. I hope that particular experience passes you by. But if it doesn’t, take it as a chance to get to know your relative better. You may learn something new they’ve never shared with you before. Too bad we can’t all walk with grace from beginning to end. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?
well beyond nice. would be an undeserved gift.
These are wonderful! The second one reminds me of what my mother-in-law used to say about some of her dad’s escapades when he was in the nursing home with alzheimer’s: “I have to laugh, or else I’d cry.” You captured that beautifully.
Yep. We were all laughing back then. Grandpa probably laughed the most. He was always a happy fellow. And a HUGE flirt, after grandma passed – of course. It’s sad what alzheimer’s does to a person. I remember when my step-dad’s mother was set up in a home. They had to start locking the front doors because she would always try to leave. Let’s hope our kids aren’t telling stories about us in this way someday. Then again, maybe I want to be the one trying to get away and not sitting down quietly and taking it. Thanks for your amazing support, Jennette.
I liked them both, in different ways, of course, but both were just right. Agreeing with Jennette (and pretty much everyone else as well.)
Well, thanks. They just flowed. I usually take that to mean they were meant to be. I loved remembering my grandfather through these prompts.
I enjoyed the both stories but the second one was quite cute.
Thank you, Kim. The memory of the second always brings a small smile to my face.
Good writing. I like the first one best. You kind of hit a button. My uncle is the last of his generation and he requires home nursing after two strokes. We had him in a home for a while before he recovered a bit so i can relate to the stories.
I’m so sorry to hear about your uncle, Jay. I’m sure that was tough on you. It’s rarely easy on the family. I’m glad you were able to bring him home. I’m sure he appreciated that a lot.
Aww. SO poignant. Both of them. Nice work!
Thank you, Kent. I try. I really enjoyed yours this week. Well done.
Super fabulous, Debra! And I love the familial tie-in—where much of the best fiction derives. 🙂 Happy holidays to you and yours!
Great fiction often comes from personal experience, doesn’t it. That’s why it’s important to get out there and experience life. Thank you for the fabulous compliment. Happy holidays to you! It was so fun randomly running into you this weekend. Who knew!
Aw, they’re both beautiful and sad. Poignant, especially at this time of the year.
I’ll try to make the next one upbeat or creepy. How about that? 😀 No more sad. But thank you for the compliment. Now tell me, are you spiking your eggnog? It’s time to get into the spirit of things and you should be celebrating your new release. I’m soo excited for you.
Ooh creepy. Yes please 🙂 I am celebrating. Thanks.
Nice, Debra! I enjoyed them both. Poignant and well written. That’s a funny story about your grandpa leaving in his birthday suit. I like the music, too. I like how she’s dancing around.
Lovely stories, full of love, and still they evoke a fear with for older relatives. I have seen it happening… Stories were both worth telling.
Loved the two short stories…but loved the true story about your grandpa deciding he was going home more. I can definitely see why it’s a favorite of the nurses. Great rendition of Silent Night, too. 🙂
More reasons to be thankful… your beautiful first 100 words, your too funny second 100 words, Lindsey’s lovely music, and news that my copy of ‘OPEN DOORS Fractured Fairy Tails’ will be delivered soon.
two good stories, that leave me with a sad smile, and a cringe of fear.
Dear Debra,
I’m so pleased that when it came to choosing between two stories you shared them both! Equally well done. Applause!
Hi Debra,
Two good stories, one touching, one funny. Two for the price of one, like a holiday sale. I liked the way you used internal dialog in the first story to develop it. I think the second story is really an innovative escape story with a fun chase scene. Ron
Both the stories are very nice. And so is the musician the end. Just lovely!
Even here, with the weather like it is, that would be chilly!
Loved the prose; love the song!
Thank you, Scott. Your flash fiction was rather special, if I do say so myself.
I am glad you did.
Dear Debra,
My dad spent his final few years in homes on the mainland and your stories brought back memories of him in happier times and in clearer moments. They were both very good and i thank you for spiriting them onto the page.
I’m glad they brought back happier memories. I didn’t want anyone to be sad. Thank you for stopping by, Doug. It’s always appreciated.
Two more excellent stories. Well done, Debra. But please don’t write more than two, it’s taking me all week to read all the stories as it is!
Thanks! I will do my best to keep it to only one story going forward. I know exactly what you mean regarding making the rounds. I can’t even attend to my own comments. Ugh.
Wonderful, Debra! Hugs honey.
Thank you, Christine. I’m hugging you back. When are you going to let me take you to dinner?