Posts Tagged: Writing Fantasy
The Good Mom Recipe: Love, protectiveness, strength, conviction and understanding. Immortal Monday is celebrating Mother’s Day a day late. We hope that you all had a special weekend and enjoyed your day, be it with your children or mother. Today’s topic: the most unlikely of mothers, Selene from the Underworld film series. For those of…
Wednesday posts have taken on a bit of a writer’s theme lately. Don’t you be getting used to it now. I can be a fickle girl. But today, I’ll be sharing more writerly stuff. Only this time, I won’t be sharing anyone’s work but my own. Try not to mash your teeth and run away.…
Almost since the inception of Immortal Monday, my son’s been making requests. A few weeks ago I passed one of these requests by you, and many of you said “why the heck not.” As a result, we are here to talk about one hot customer today. And when I say hot, I mean he will…
Spontaneity. . . Not one of my best qualities. I am in love with the idea of it, wish to embrace it, yet constantly find the need to plan, organize, plot and formulate. These traits can be awesome when it comes to planning events and organizing one’s day. But sometimes enough is enough! Do you…
Mayan ruins of Belize by Laura Ritchie WANA Commons . flickr The topic has come up several times in the past few posts (Elves, Dragons, Ancient Structures, even as far back as the Pyramid post) regarding to aliens. I listened and launched out on an objective search for a bit of alien intrigue to entertain you and make…
As promised, the invasion has begun! That’s right, there are elves here for Immortal Monday. I know, I know. I promised they’d come a few weeks ago. But I got distracted by the shiny bauble. What can I say? And what a pit of muck I got myself into looking for the answers to put…
Where was I Wednesday? Getting ready to check out of my week of edit paradise, I awoke to a sea of white outside my window. All that after a night of babies crying and men coughing into all hours of the night. I was driving down the mountain at a snail’s pace with a HUGE…
When I first came up with the concept of Immortal Monday, my thought was to eventually share a running storyline about immortals. Let’s face it, I am a story-teller. I’m doing my best to be an excellent blogger for you, but I often feel like I fall on my face. Can you see the visual?…
A little over a week ago Kristen Lamb talked about finding inspiration for your story in unlikely sources. It’s a wonderful piece about finding the spark in the everyday, ordinary places around us when you’re not looking for it. I suspect that has happened to you. It happens to all of us. But when we…
Have I ever mentioned that I am a writer? My current project is a work of fantasy. One really fantastic aspect about writing fantasy is you get to create worlds. Sometimes you know exactly what you want, other times you look for inspiration. I find inspiration all around me. For example, Shell House by architect…