Posts Tagged: book launch
It’s a wild Wednesday! Celebrating and tooting my horn! She’s live!!! Plight of the Dragon Book Launch Day! Happy Book Birthday, Age of the Hybrid, Book Three! I know, I know, we’ve been sharing all the exciting dragon news on Tuesdays (mostly). But yesterday I was behind the wheel for much of the day driving…
It’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) which means I’ll be glued to my computer more than usual – if that’s even possible! There is so much work to complete. But, something exciting is happening today and breaks are necessary, every now and again. Especially for something as cool as this! Today is the day! The…
Today we’re celebrating with my friend and talented author, Holly Kammier. Her novel, Kingston Court, just hit the virtual book stores and, if you’re lucky, you might find a copy in a local retailer near you. To mark this momentous occasion I’m asking Holly a few questions about her story and writing journey. Please join…
The myths and legends of gods are seductive and alluring. Maybe that’s why we’re often drawn to the topic here on #ImmortalMonday. Yes, it’s here on Tuesday as promised, and I have exciting news. My friend and fellow writer, Jessica Therrien, is releasing the much-anticipated second book in her highly successful Children of the Gods series TODAY!…
What would you do for love? Let’s face it. The feeling is addictive. It can drive people to crazy extremes. Would you climb the highest mountain? Run across the state? Sit through a marathon of your least favorite television show? How many frogs are you willing to kiss to find your perfect match? (I have…
I believe it’s time for a little monster fun. No, it’s not Immortal Monday and I don’t mean the kids as they attack the presents under the Christmas tree. Although, that would be fun as well. I know. It’s not a picture of kids ripping open shiny boxes. But this over zealous “Buddy” reminds me all too…
To sweet Zeke and all the beautiful babies that left this world too early – this post is dedicated. In honor of The Golden Sky book launch to take place tomorrow, November 18th, an amazing Blogfest is sweeping the blogosphere today. Posts will be plentiful, offering reviews of the book or paying tribute to loved ones…