Lady Sif, the Two: Immortal Monday

If all you know about the lady Sif comes from the movie Thor, then your idea of who she is or should be is probably confused. #ImmortalMonday is going to attempt clear the confusion.

The Lady Sif seen in the movie is based on a character of the same name from the comic books. She was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in March of 1964 and just happens to have the same name as Thor’s wife of legend, although they are far from the same woman.

The Warrior Sif

Image via Wikipedia

She had dark hair and was one tough chick. Think Xena warrior princess. She could hold her own against or beside all the men in a fight any day. And she had no problem doing so on a regular basis. When she rode into battle with her mates, they were known as the Lady Sif and The Warriors Three. Now that’s the kind of gal I would like to be.

The Goddess Sif

                                • Goddess of Iceland, wife of Thor
                                • Mother of Þrúðr and Ullr.
                                • Hair represented golden wheat (argued point)
                                • Associated with fertility, family, and wedlock
                                • Connected to the rowan (a shrub or small tree)


Here’s the thing that make Mrs. Thor particularly interesting, on a soap opera kind of level: legend tells of a dispute between Thor and Loki, one that involves Sif. We’ve discussed it here before. Loki cut off Sif’s golden locks, upsetting Thor. Thor responded by forcing Loki to create a golden headpiece for the goddess as a replacement.

Mischief Loki and Sif
Image via Wikipedia

The question left standing was – how did Loki get close enough to cut her hair in the first place? According to Loki the two had spent the night in an unholy twist of bed sheets. Sif denied the affair. A case of he said she said and a forever unsolved mystery. Of course, if you were married to Thor, wouldn’t you want to avoid his anger and upset?

Fear the wrath of Thor’s Hammer!

What do you think? Do we have the makings of a scene right out of God’s Behaving Badly, only the Norse version?


Whether he is the man at her side in marriage or in battle, Thor is a constant and a favorite at this blog. Thor is our Norse god representative taking the world by storm on a blog tour. He is checking in today from Lynn Kelley’s spot, and I promise you…you will not want to miss this.

Her post will be up a little later today.

As far as a teaser, I’ll let this picture speak for its self.

Thor Arrives
Image via Lynn Kelley

Mighty Thor Visits One-Year-Old Boy

Make sure you pop over there. I guarantee you’ll be laughing your Mjölni right out of your grip.


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.

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17 thoughts on “Lady Sif, the Two: Immortal Monday”

  1. Diana BeebeDiana Beebe

    Thanks for the information about the legendary Sif. I love how strong she was–strong enough to have her own battle entourage, rather than being part of someone else’s. 🙂 Off to Lynn’s site now. I’m sure Thor had a crazy adventure…

  2. tedstrutztedstrutz

    What is wrong with you Debra… sending Thor to someone with a 1 Year old??? He will never be the same. That kid probably has No Barbies either!

  3. Coleen PatrickColeen Patrick

    Learned something new again! 🙂 And Lynn’s video is hysterical!

  4. Reetta RaitanenReetta Raitanen

    Ooh, divine soap opera. I was not familiar with this piece of mythological gossip 😀 I loved Sif in the Thor movies and sounds like she kicked ass in the comics too. Maybe we’ll see some romantic interest between her and Thor in the next movie.

    And Thor’s trip rocks. I can’t wait to host him. Although if he found one one-year old tough, I wonder what he says about twin fearsome fours.

  5. Laura RitchieLaura Ritchie

    You had me at “Xena warrior princess” on this one. Sif sounds amazing. Now there’s a girl who knew how to keep Thor in check.

    And, speaking of Thor… I want to pop over to Lynn’s blog, and see what the Norse god has been up to lately. I sure hope she sends him off in a good mood. I don’t want him feeling the least bit cranky when he gets to my house!

  6. Jennette Marie PowellJennette Marie Powell

    I was not familiar with Sif – either incarnation! It occurred to me that maybe I need to catch up on my movie watching before Thor heads this way. I was LOL at Lynn’s post! “Bite eyeball” is enough to scare even a god!

    • Lynn KelleyLynn Kelley

      I don’t know a lot about Thor, Jennette, except that he’ s the Norse god of thunder. I have a lot to learn!

  7. Karen RoughtKaren Rought

    “Uh, base, we’ve got, uh, Xena, Jackie Chan, and Robin Hood.”

    Haha, that’s one of my favorite lines from the movie.

    I actually didn’t know any of this! Thanks for sharing, as always. 🙂

  8. PatriciaPatricia

    So tell me, if you were married to Thor, would you end up in bed with another woman? I know I wouldn’t.

    I loved Lynn’s video! OMG too cute.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  9. Lynn KelleyLynn Kelley

    Great post, Debra. It’s all so interesting, and I love the way you tell it!

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