History is amazing. When we take the time to look back at some of the stunning accomplishments created through the Ages you have got to wonder if we are truly advancing on all fronts? Ever find yourself curious how the people from these ancient cultures managed to engineer some of these magnificent marvels? Today’s #ImmortalMonday is National Geographic’s top ten archaeological mysteries. I think you’ll find it intriguing.
Can you think of anything not mentioned that should have been on this list? Please share and open the discussion.
I realize this is only our second Immortal Monday post since the series relaunch, and I’m already pulling the quick video trick. There’s a reason behind my madness. I have homework for you, so get your pencils ready.
You stand (virtually speaking) on the grounds of Immortal Monday, so it should be fairly safe to say you have a mild to great interest in such topics. One of our most popular being that of mythology. I happen to know that a pretty large number of our readership are also writers, so this should pertain to you.
This August Wayman Publishing will release their next Open Doors Anthology. It is:
Myths & Legends Anthology
Your homework assignment is to write your own short story for submission. Here are the details:
The Subject: Myths and legends. Spin a story with your own style, be it hilarious, tragic, or packed full of action, Wayman Publishing wants to hear it.
The Rules: Your short story or poem should be 2000 words or less. Written for YA or adult. When submitting, place directly in the body of the email (no attachments). Send your submission to Charles at waymanpublishing(at)gmail(dot)com no later than 08/02/13. Please put “Mythological Anthology” in the subject line.
The Legalese: Most of the anthology proceeds are donated to charity, therefore the authors will not be compensated financially for story contributions. Sorry.
Accepted authors will retain all rights to their contributions, gain a publication credit as well as much exposure through book fairs and author features. These anthologies can also help an authors’ rankings on Amazon, and new writers will have the opportunity to create an Amazon author page. Wayman Publishing anthologies are published as eBook and paperback.
If you’d like to read about Wayman Publishing’s past charitable donations you may do so here.
I wrote a small whimsical piece inspired by the Moirai. Won’t you join me?
Now, I know you’re on pins and needles waiting to find out who won last week’s book drawing. Drum roll please!
The winner of the brand new hard copy of Meg Cabot’s “Abandon” is: Lynn Kelley!
(Results were achieved using randomresults.com)
Who’s excited for Lynn? I am! Who is already plotting ideas for a short story? Let’s take team Immortal Monday to Wayman Publishing. Who’s with me?
I am always fascinated by man, machines, history, and how we got here. Where we’re going, etc. I’ll look at something and think, ‘What the heck was this person thinking when they created it?’ I mean, seriously! How many times did it take someone to come up with chocolate? Or coffee? Or a mechanical pencil? My brain just doesn’t work like that, but I adore those brains that do. Because of them we have fascinating places like those in the video. We may never know why or how they were built, which makes me sad because I always want answers, but at least we get to enjoy them.
I love your challenge. Very clever of you!
That’s so funny that you mention chocolate because Monkey and I were talking about that just the other night. 😀 I’m with you on that, what would possess a person to try so many experiments till they got something that worked? Like you said, our brain doesn’t work that way.
Thank you. Glad you found the challenge clever.
I’d vaguely heard about Wayman Publishing before, but wasn’t sure about the details of what they offered authors, etc. I really like the idea of the proceeds going to charity. For that reason alone, I’m going to seriously consider submitting a story.
I hope you do submit. The people at Wayman are super nice and make a point at keeping their authors informed through the entire process of the charity, assuming you’re picked up. It’s really great!
Love the Supernatural Gif.
Isn’t that fun? I just love it!
I love archeology and seeing the history uncovered. I often wonder what archeologists will speculate about us and how accurate they’ll be
I wonder the same thing from time to time. It makes me wonder if some of the books I read have pegged the future correctly or not. Curious thought.
Great idea! Tameri’s comment got me thinking about the invention of chocolate. Now wouldn’t that be a fun thing to time travel back for? And I’m still laughing at the animated gif–so funny. 🙂
Love that gif! Especially Dean. 😀 I’m curious how chocolate tasted when at the very start. I doubt it tasted like Hershey.
Interesting! I’ll see what I can come up with to submit. Can’t believe you gave us homework! lol
Come on, some part of you secretly likes the idea. No? 😉 This kind of homework is fun! Of course, you can choose not to do it. It’s up to you.
I am well into my story. It sounds like fun!
Doesn’t it sound like fun? Plus it all goes to a good cause. I love that part.
I send my story in for submission. It concerns Medusa today.
Woot, woot! Fingers crossed for you. Love Medusa. Such a rich character. Good luck, Scott.
I loved the video! And congratulations, Lynn!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
I get a big kick out of those videos. They are fast and pack a lot of info in. Glad you liked it. 🙂
Well, thanks for sharing the info, Debra. This anthology really sounds interesting.
Also… Grats to Lynn! 🙂
You’re welcome, Laura. I hope you consider submitting.
I can’t believe National Geographic missed Gobekli Tepi! Ah well, I may have to write my own story about it 🙂
Gobekli Tepi is amazing! I wonder where it fell on their list? Number eleven, just missing the top ten? I am extremely curious. I would love to hear your story about it, should you chose to write one.
I totally wonder about things like in the video! I figure we can blame aliens for anything. Including time travel LOL. Thanks for sharing the story opportunity, too!
Aliens always make a great escape goat. 🙂 I think it’s healthy to have a curious mind and therefore people like us can’t help and be so when we see things like this. It’s like candy for the mind and soul. Right? You’re welcome, in regards to the story.
Thanks for letting us know about that contest! I think I’ve got a good piece to submit, but I’ll need to spruce it up. Can’t wait to see what happens! Also, that Supernatural GIF killed me. I love it when Dean gets silly like that!
Awesome! I hope you submit. I just LOVE Dean in that GIF. He’s my favorite. I heart Dean. There, I said it. (I still love you the moistest, Hon – if you’re reading this!)
Very cool! Thanks for passing on the info.
I am jumping up and down for Lynn too!
You’re welcome. It would be fun to see a bunch of Immortal Monday followers end up in the anthology.
I got to hand deliver the book to Lynn over the weekend. That was fun.