Immortal Monday ~ Seelie or Unseelie ღ Death-By-Sex Fae

Warning! ~ There will be spoilers in this post.

When Karen Marie Moning first introduced us to the Fever series in 2007 with Darkfever, we had no idea of the world we would be stepping into as we followed pretty pink Mac across the Atlantic Ocean to Dublin in search of her sister’s killer. What we found was a city rich in old magic and teaming with life unseen by the average human being. But Mac isn’t your everyday girl, and she introduces us to so many interesting players.

But it’s Monday, which means we are here to shoot the breeze about immortals. So let’s focus our talk. Ms. Moning has given us no shortage of material in this book series. And in so discussing we will undoubtedly spoil a few things for people who haven’t read them. So, if you aren’t familiar with all five books and you think you want to read them – turn back now! Go! Run quickly. No seriously, I’d hate to ruin anything for any of you. But I will take every precaution to keep the biggest surprise under wraps. Of course I can make no promises about what’s said in the comments. (Note to readers: think about who may be reading your words before you publish a comment. Please don’t give away the BIG surprise!)

Through MacKayla (Mac) we get to move amongst the many Seelie and Unseelie (Fae) that inhabit the small town of Dublin. When she arrives in the old country, she is surprised to find them out in the open and unseen by others. At a cozy little pub we meet our first Unseelie and it will in no way be our last.

Unfamiliar with the term Unseelie? The Unseelie are the bad guys. The dark, ugly, twisted side of good. They’re the fae likened towards evil-doing and they’re generally malicious and unkind. Often times they’re far from  pretty (in this series), as described by Mac – but not always. In the books we meet many different classes, but are led to believe there are far more beyond what we’re shown. Of course, not knowing their real names or classifications, Mac makes up her own names for them such as Gray Man or Gray Woman, the Rhino boys, the Many-Mouthed Thing, the Shades, or the Hunters. There are several others named in the series, these are just a few of the immortal forces our protagonist must fight up against.

So if Dublin is crawling with all these immortal fae known as the Unseelie, however will Mac save the day? Ah, now you don’t really want me to tell you that do you? But like any good series there are artifacts and players with lots of clout. Oh, and the disgusting interesting side effect gained from eating Unseelie flesh. It’s like gaining a super-charged boost!

On a side note: When searching the worldwide web for a cool picture or drawing of a rhino boy I couldn’t find one. BUT… my search turned up this hot number! I so would not mind fighting a rhino boy if he looked like Gerard Butler.

Did you know that Seelie originally comes from the word seely in the Scots or Middle English language? It means happy, lucky, or blessed. In the same manner Unseelie comes from the word unseely, meaning unhappy, misfortunate or unholy. The Unseelie meaning has a real nice fit to it, but I have yet to read a really good book where the Seelie are depicted as a happy, lucky bunch. They’re not as bad as the Unseelie, but you must still tread lightly when dealing with one. They can easily give in to their mischievous side and avenge insults. They’ll toy with you in the most hurtful way for they only see it as amusing.

One of our lead characters falls into this later category of Seelie. The very beautiful, practically impossible to resist V’lane of the Queen’s royal court. When Mac first comes across V’lane she can think of only one thing – SEX. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, and more sex! That’s right, I did mention that this was an adult book didn’t I? Failed to? Oops. Well, this is very much for the big girls and boys.

V’lane shows up and Mac practically bends over ready to take it every which way. And I do mean take it, as in an erotic way. She’s ready to do it right there and then in the middle of a public library.  Why? Oh my gawd! Because V’lane is a Death–by-sex fae. How is that for an immortal title? All shiny, amazing and oozing of sex. Yikes! Would you want to die by sex? It’d be a hell of a way to go now wouldn’t it! If you want to know how she gets out of that one you’ll just have to pick up the book.

He is our favorite Seelie in the series and gets the most coverage of all the fae. But as Ms. Moning points out on her site, he had a horrible PR person. (Major spoiler coming) Having read all the books I honestly believe that V’lane had feelings for Mac, but he played the cards all wrong. Had he been upfront with her right from the get-go and told her the truth, maybe things would have turned out differently. It’s possible she would have understood his side of things more clearly. But it was not to play out that way.

As a Seelie he has lived a multitude of lifetimes. Watching other Seelie drink from the waters every cycle to forget their years and start anew, V’lane very discreetly slipped by unnoticed in the ritual thereby holding onto his years. In the end he is able to share much more information with Mac than he otherwise could have. But too little too late as I always say.

Ms. Moning does a great job of making you really want to like V’lane despite his countless (screw)-ups.

Jumping on the amazing success of the Harry Potter and Twilight films, Dream Works recently optioned the film rights for this series. It’s possible that like the Hunger Games and Cassandra Clare’s City series, that is presently finalizing casting, we could see this story come to the big screen in the near future. Fans have jumped on the bandwagon with a few casting ideas for V’lane and have been sharing them on Karen Moning’s chat board. Here are some of the possible V’lanes people are talking about. ..

Justin Zabinski
Sebastian Rulli
Travis Fimmel
Jason Lewis w/V'lane hair
Sexy Jason Lewis - to be fair

Would you be excited to see this series come to the big screen? Have we missed anyone you wanted to talk about? Maybe that elephant in the room we’ve danced around, trying to pretend X isn’t there? Well, if you are up on all the books (seriously – you must have read all of them or have no desire to ever read any of them at all to go any further) and would like a little something special from that character’s POV, I have a special surprise for you!

But I must warn you, should you choose to go past this point it is not for the individual who blushes easily. That’s right, this is some very racy stuff. Oh yeah, it could very well steam up your screen. I am talking HOT! So hot you might need a shower afterwards. So tread lightly if such material twists your stomach in a knot and gets you all hot and bothered. All others – enjoy! (But DON’T open the link when children are present. Ms. Moning included a graphic. o_O) –Boing


If you are an author with an immortal in one of your series and would like to share on an Immortal Monday in the future, feel free to contact me regarding a future guest post.

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50 thoughts on “Immortal Monday ~ Seelie or Unseelie ღ Death-By-Sex Fae”

  1. Jessica O'NealJessica O'Neal

    This series was already on my list of books to check out and what I just saw here convinced me I need to bump in up on my list, lol 😉

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You won’t be sorry Jessica. Loved this series! Thanks for coming by this morning. 😀

      November 21, 2011
  2. Christine AshworthChristine Ashworth

    Love this series. Love it. But I can tell you right now, if the actor playing V’lane can’t act, it won’t matter how pretty he is. Just sayin’!

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I agree with you 100%! They need an actor you can act and will knock our socks off in the looks department. 🙂

      November 21, 2011
  3. Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)

    Just wanted to let you know I WAS HERE. But I had to scroll to the end cause these are on my TO READ list and I hate spoilers! Happy Monday! 🙂

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Glad you heeded the warning. That’s why I put it put straight across the top. But I think you’re going to love it when you get to it! 😀

      November 21, 2011
  4. JenniferJennifer

    Ooh–I don’t know about a movie, but I think I HAVE to read the books!

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Hi Jennifer! Thanks for swinging in! You never know which way they will go on a movie, but the books are a great read if you enjoy that type of thing. Couldn’t put them down! Plowed through them and Moning really surprises you.

      November 21, 2011
  5. Liz SchulteLiz Schulte

    Love this series. I liked V’lane but Barrons has and always will have my heart. *swoon*

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      But of course Liz! -Elephant! LOL If they make a movie they had better cast that role right – I’m just sayin’.

      November 21, 2011
  6. Kristy K. JamesKristy K. James

    I think I’m out of the loop too much. I’ve never heard of the series, but spoilers don’t bother me. I’ll read the last few pages of a book if I’m not sure it will end the way I want it to, lol. I also wouldn’t watch movies like The Sixth Sense until someone took pity on me and told me how it ended (mostly because I don’t ‘do’ scary movies or TV-except Supernatural, and it looked scary to me). 🙂

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I think you should read this series Kristy! Unless you are put off by the heavy adult aspect. That’s your call.

      November 21, 2011
      • Kristy K. JamesKristy K. James

        I may just give it a whirl, Debra. Not for awhile though. I have close to a dozen I need to tackle before I start anything new. Not to mention editing 3 books finishing a fourth. I need a vacation. With Jason Lewis.

        November 21, 2011
        • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

          🙂 That would be a nice vacation. I totally understand that. I have a large TBR stack, a complicated book to finish and two to edit. Plus several more books itching for me to get serious about as I’ve only written small amount where their concerned.

          November 21, 2011
  7. JulieJulie

    I haven’t read the series, but I sure do love the photos! 🙂

    November 21, 2011
  8. Angela WallaceAngela Wallace

    Cool post. I don’t think you gave much away. I’m reading Darkfever right now, but haven’t met V’lane yet. I love that so many great series are being opted into movies! Movies based on books are about the only ones I even bother to watch anymore.

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, Angela. On both accounts. I’m sometimes afraid to see a movie based on a book I love because I’m afraid I’ll be seriously disappointed in the movie. That has happened too many times in the past. But I think they are getting smarter and paying more attention to what the reader and viewer want. Thanks for coming by Angela!

      November 21, 2011
  9. Sheila SeabrookSheila Seabrook

    You have intrigued me, Debra, and I now have another series to add to my TBR pile. Thanks for the recommendation … and for the enjoyable pictures. 🙂

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Our TBR piles just keep growing, don’t they Sheila? I will probably never see mine completely for I keep adding to it faster than I read from it! Glad you enjoyed the pictures. 😀

      November 22, 2011
  10. Serena DracisSerena Dracis

    I’ll have to give this series a closer look. Anything that involves death-by-sex has got to be good!

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Yes! The idea is one that draws you in to say the least.

      November 22, 2011
  11. Lynn KelleyLynn Kelley

    Great eye candy, for sure! I hadn’t heard of this series before. Sounds like a winner! I had to laugh at the end where it asks if we have an immortal in our books. The immortal character in the children’s series I co-author is a 300-year-old talking pirate rat!

    November 21, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      A 300 year old talking rat! Awesome! My MG tale deals with a talking mole. Although I determined he was very old, I haven’t put much thought into whether he is immortal or not. I’m thinking not. He’s just old. And grumpy.

      Eye candy is always a plus! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with the series. I devoured it.

      November 22, 2011
  12. Emma BurcartEmma Burcart

    I love Immortal Monday! What a cool idea. I have never even heard of that serier before, but now I want to read all of the books. Now there will be something good about Mondays. I can’t wait to see what you post next week!

    November 22, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thanks Emma! Immortals are just a fun topic any way you look at it. And there is so much material to pull from. I’m thrilled you’ll be joining us for our coffee table discussions. 😀

      November 22, 2011
  13. susan kanesusan kane

    My mind stopped logical thought at Gerard Butler.

    November 22, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I hear that Susan. It wasn’t easy to continue on after his fine face popped up in the search. Wowa!

      November 22, 2011
  14. alicamckennajohnsonalicamckennajohnson

    I normally don;t read blogs that review books because my to be read list is uber long, but the promise of pretty men drew me here, and obviously I need to read this series.

    November 22, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Hi Alica! The posts won’t always be about books. It’s about immortals. That can cover just about anything, so feel free to drop in on Mondays for the pictures. 😉 I’m glad you stopped in!

      November 23, 2011
  15. ElisaElisa

    You’ve convinced me to read this as well. I LOVE the photos too LOL! 🙂

    November 22, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Pretty shiny males! 😀 They are great books Elisa. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

      November 23, 2011
  16. Paige KellermanPaige Kellerman

    Ok, I skipped this post after the first warning paragraph. You make it so tempting, I think I’m gonna have to read the series. That being said, I still voted cause…um…you, know, I just want to out ..LOL

    November 22, 2011
    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      He he he. You just HAVE to vote for the pretties! Who doesn’t like a hot looking man? *bites lower lip*

      November 23, 2011
      • Paige KellermanPaige Kellerman

        All I’m gonna say is Jason Lewis would’ve been a fine candidate if I hadn’t met Husband…

        November 23, 2011
        • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

          Should I pretend I didn’t hear that? 🙂
          I like my men dark. I married the spitting image of Gerard Butler. Oh wait, maybe I accidently posted a picture of Hubs in his place. I better check. 😀

          November 23, 2011
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