Posts Tagged: Friday lifts

Do you like surprises? Most of my life I have been telling myself and those around me that I was not a big fan. But the truth is, if they’re happy ones, they’re rather quite fun. On Friday, May 4th , Laura Stanfill from Writing, Reading, Community, amazed me by passing the Sunshine Award in…
Have I ever mentioned that I am a writer? My current project is a work of fantasy. One really fantastic aspect about writing fantasy is you get to create worlds. Sometimes you know exactly what you want, other times you look for inspiration. I find inspiration all around me. For example, Shell House by architect…
What does that say to you? Every day when I bring the kids home from school a little something happens in our house that might make some people turn red in the face. What, did Sheldon give it away? Let me ask you, are you comfortable in your God-given skin? This has been an education…
Did the week have you buried in mounds of paperwork? Always trapped too far behind? Well, guess what? The weekend is here. In my book that means it’s time to play! It’s been a busy work week for many. Valentine’s Day had us scrambling on Tuesday and now it’s time to get out and celebrate. Enjoy being free of suffocating relationships or having…
(First: It’s sad that I must actually say this, but YES – I do know that writersphere is not a word.) Do you ever feel like things are not as they should be? . And you find yourself having trouble deciphering the signs? . You see them. Or hear them. But they simply aren’t making sense to…