Do you like surprises? Most of my life I have been telling myself and those around me that I was not a big fan. But the truth is, if they’re happy ones, they’re rather quite fun. On Friday, May 4th , Laura Stanfill from Writing, Reading, Community, amazed me by passing the Sunshine Award in my direction. I know! Crazy, right? Thank you so much, Laura, for thinking of me and thinking me worthy. I can’t tell you how touched I am. Here’s the deal:
The Joy of Sunshine
1. Include the award logo in the post. √
2. Link back and thank those that nominated me. √
3. Answer 10 random questions about myself and/or tell seven random facts. √
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers and link them to the award in their comments section. √
Laura gave me the option of answering the questions she had to answer or using others she had put forth for us. I warned her that another post I’d set for this week was going to break the rules and I might do the same with this one. Well guess what, I have! The following questions are a mix of the of the two options she gave me.
Here you have it. More things about me you never wanted to know:
- What’s one of your favorite books from childhood? I’m having a little trouble accessing that area in my memory banks. My parents didn’t push me to read and I recall spending most of my time outside trying to coordinate large backyard plays. The book I remember most is my youth bible.
- What are you reading right now? I am reading several at the same time. That makes for slow progress. Phoenix Child, The Art of War For Writers and Write Great Fiction – Revisions & Self Editing.
- Which do you prefer, Facebook or Twitter? I prefer to hide from it all in my writer’s cave and simply write. But that’s not really an option. I am on both, building my platform so that I’ll be more marketable down the road.
- Favorite thing to do in your free time? Free time? What is that? Seriously, I am always running behind and never find enough time for what’s on my to-do list.
- Favorite season? I love them all, but harbor a special fondness for winter.
- Favorite magazine? That’s a hard one. I used to be drawn to the home design magazines, but they only depress me these days. I can’t say I have one anymore. And to be honest, I find little time to fit the books in I’m trying to read. Adding magazines as well? Let’s not add to burn out.
- What is your favorite animal? Without question – cat! Anyone who knows me well, knows that.
- Favorite teacher (and why)? Freshman year, Algebra. Mr. Trajorda.
- What is your favorite number? 36. There’s a story to that. It’s one many might consider odd.
- Do you prefer reading short stories or novels? Novels. I often shy away from short stories. I don’t know why.
- Bonus: What is your favorite flower? Calla Lilly. This was to be the flower at my wedding. The florist said he could make it happen. But come the day of – everything was white roses. 🙁 – What up Mr. Florist???
Now for the fun part! I get to pick ten lucky bloggers to share the sunshine with. 😉 Ready or not, here they come…
- Fabio Bueno at Diamonds & Rust
- Ingrid Schaffenburg at Threadbare Gypsy Soul
- Jennette Marie Powell at making the mundane magical
- Lisa Hall-Wilson
- Marcy Kennedy
- Melinda VanLone at Demons and Dark Chocolate
- Natalie Hartford at Life Out Loud
- Paige Killerman at There’s More Where That Came From
- Susie Lindau’s Wild Ride
- Ted of TedBook
May you all go forth and spread the joyous sunshine. We should each be reminded daily to look on the positive side of things. A simple reward, such as this, hung on your wall can help be a constant reminder. If I could, I would toss one out to each and every one of you today. There were definitely more names I wanted to have on this list! Oh… wait just one minute. Here we go. One bit of sunshine coming up for each and everyone one of you! May your day be sunny and bright! 😉
May your Mother’s Day weekend be MARVELOUS!
You’ve just reminded me that it’s important to remind yourself of the positive things in life, not to dwell on the negatives you can’t change. Congratulations on an interesting post. Best wishes from “down under.”
I’m glad you have been reminded of the positive. Negatives can be such a downer. 🙁 I didn’t know you were all the way in Australia! Very cool! I hope to visit some day. 😀 Happy day to you Richard!
I would now like to know the story behind your favorite number!!
Hey Krystal! Are things slowing down a bit? I hope you will save a signature for me. I want a signed copy of your new book. 😀
The number. Hmmm. It has to do with trusting my gut. How’s that for more teaser? I know, I’m evil!
Congrats on your award! I would agree that you do bring sunshine to the blogosphere. I, too, want to hear about your favorite number. And I’m surprised that winter is your favorite season. I don’t get that! I didn’t think anyone liked winter.
Thank you, Emma! The thing is, I live in sunny California so winter never really gets THAT cold. Just cold enough to wear all the coats I am so fond of. 🙂 I LOVE coats! And boots!
Congrats on the award – so suiting because you and your blog are always a total rain of sunshine and happiness! Woot woot. Love it. And fabulous to learn more about you. Winter is your fav season? And who doesn’t love the Calla Lilly – gorgeous and I can’t believe you didn’t get them for your wedding – sniff!
Thank you so much for the FAB honor…sniff…so appreciate it and am touched!!!
Good morning, beautiful! Aside from the jacket and boot reason I mentioned to Emma, I love all the Christmas decorations that come out in winter. But I am pretty excited to see the blooms on my lily pad this year! My youngest talked me into running our waterfall yesterday and it was so pretty. I think summer will be beautiful this year. 😀 You are so deserving of the award -so – you’re welcome! Have fun with it.
I’m not surprised you won this Debra, for you are always a ray of warmth and light. congratulations. now i’m off to check out some of the blogs you included.
Aw, thank you, Louise. That is terribly sweet of you to say. {{Hugs}}
Thank you so much Debra! You made my day! I will check out the other blogs after I catch up after being in spam all week. Great tune!
You’re very welcome! It had to be tough hanging in spam all week with the sexbots and junk mail. Sorry about that. I just know you were karate kicking their spam butts out of your space. 😀 Have an amazing Mother’s Day weekend!
Thank you for the award!! I now have to warn you in return that I also might not play by the rules, but I happily accept it 😉
You’re so welcome. Break the rules all you like. I have become a rule breaker. Just ask my daughter (reference our Chutes and Ladders game the other day. 😉 LOL) . But seriously, it’s good to spice up things every once and a while. I didn’t throw any new questions out there so I’m curious to see what you do.
Yay for sunshine! Thanks Debra for passing it along. Ditto what Marcy said :-).
You’re most welcome!
Not cool about the wedding flowers. 🙁
But yes to winter (though I love it more for sweaters, candles, hot cocoa and SNOW…it gets cold in Michigan!). My favorite number is 16…and there’s no story behind it, odd or otherwise, but like everyone else (and you all know you’re curious), I’d like to hear it, too. 🙂
I remember hearing somewhere that you were a big lover of snow. 😉 Funny, most people don’t enjoy digging their cars out.
As long as the windchill isn’t in the single digits or lower, I don’t mind cleaning a car off. Can’t say I get too much into shoveling anymore though. 🙂
You are a braver woman than me. I wear a sweater or jacket in the house when it’s 68 degrees.
LOL…to me that’s close to a perfect summer day. And if temps would drop to the high 40’s or low 50’s at night…I’d love every month between May and October. Of course except for a few months in California and Florida when I was little, I was raised here so winter is normal to me.
Whoohoooo, congrats on the award! As always, I loved getting to know you a bit more with these questions. Some of them made me laugh ~ in a good way. I’m looking forward to the posts of your recipients. So fun!
Thank you, Tameri! Won’t it be fun to see what everyone has to say? Glad you had fun. 🙂
Congrats to you! And thank you, thank you, thank you for thinking of me! And, of course, love the linkage to brand new peeps!
Aw, you’re welcome. Now you may go forth and shower the love on your blog. That is… if the twins don’t chew up the award first. 😉 It could set their bellies all aglow. They’d look like that glow worm – gloworm by Hasbro! Hehehe
Congrats on the award! And thanks for the tag. 🙂 It may be awhile before I post mine since I just did something similar, but I’m honored. Totally with you on magazines, free time, and novels – yeah! And I’m hoping we get the story behind 36 here someday.
No worries on timing. I thought it would take me a while to get to it but it just so happens that I moved it up and shifted a few things around. Whatever works. Free time is crazy! Is it not? You are very welcome. You deserve the tag. Thanks for all your support. 😀
Thank you for the award Debra 🙂 LOVE calla lillies and kitties too!
Aw, so glad to find myself in good company. You’re welcome, Ingrid.
Thanks so much for the award, Debra! I’m in great company, starting with you and Laura!
Those questions are perfect. I may have stories for each.
And, of course, I love sunshine…
Sunshine is a great thing. Just think of where we would be without it. I was more than happy to pass some of it along your way. Have fun with the questions. Can’t wait to see what you do.
Congrats on your award! Perfect one for you, being the bright and shiny blogger you are. 😉 I love calla lilies and held them at my wedding, too. Same for my mom. Aren’t they gorgeous? No idea you were a cat person. It’s so much fun learning more about you. Have the BEST Mother’s Day!
Ooh! So glad you got to hold them at your wedding. Must have been the difference in the time of year. Thank you for always being so amazing August. 😀
good to see this
Thank you, Dean.