Magical Miri on Barnes & Noble and Apple Books…with a Bonus

You can help with the success!

Magical Miri and the entire Gifted Girl series is coming to Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Google Play.

I’m so excited! I hope you are too!

Have you seen the new look? Isn’t it fabulous? Some of the books even have new chapters at the front and back end!

So…how can you hep , you ask?

Simply preorder your copy today, and then tell all your friends and family about this special offer. 

An easy thing to do, and in so doing, we can make the move to offering my books on a multitude of sales platforms a successful one.

During the preorder sale, Magical Miri is only 99 cents!

But wait, there’s more! When you order the book on Apple Books or Barnes & Noble, you can claim your FREE GIFT with purchase.

Secure your copy and bonus material, then tell all your friends to do the same!

Magical Miri on Barnes & Noble

Magical Miri on Apple Books

Magical Miri on Kobo

Magical Miri on Google Play

Thanks for your support… and for checking out the blog!

Until next time, keep your thoughts positive and magical!


You know what would tickle my angel feathers? Share a ‘like’ with me, join the Insiders’ Club, and/ or my clan of Immortal Warriors, and follow this blog! These things make me ecstatic! Let’s hang out!

7 thoughts on “Magical Miri on Barnes & Noble and Apple Books…with a Bonus”

  1. Aunt LorraineAunt Lorraine

    So happy and proud of you!!!
    Congratulations on your success!!

  2. Veryl LucasVeryl Lucas

    Congratulations! You are a fabulous writer! So happy for you!
    When will they appear in Barnes & Noble?
    My very best to you,
    Veryl Lucas

  3. Tia A.Tia A.

    I’m thrilled for you.😍

  4. ShannonShannon


  5. maria arcaramaria arcara

    So happy for you to be “going wide” – I hope this brings you great success!

  6. Bobbi KinionBobbi Kinion


  7. JenniferJennifer

    Amazing and magical series ✨️

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