Posts Tagged: Young Adult
As promised, the invasion has begun! That’s right, there are elves here for Immortal Monday. I know, I know. I promised they’d come a few weeks ago. But I got distracted by the shiny bauble. What can I say? And what a pit of muck I got myself into looking for the answers to put…
Friday! I love Fridays, don’t you? First, I’d like to put a big shout out to my new followers. I plan to pay you all a visit when I get back from my writer’s retreat. What retreat you ask? Well, I am currently holed up by myself in an undisclosed location for an entire week to…
You asked for it, although, for the life of me I can’t understand why you’d be so interested. 😉 That’s right, I got tagged with the fun get-to-know-you meme. It was all kinds of crazy! I was one against many as they threw their tags at me. Who got me? Well, let’s take a look…
Things didn’t go to plan this week and my little personal elves interfered with the invasion that was to take place on today’s Immortal Monday. Instead, I’d like to leave you with a little something for when you have the time for some serious viewing. I promise, you won’t be disappointed. If you were intrigued…
A while back, a girlfriend of mine was good enough to introduce me to a foreign film and martial arts beauty, House of Flying Daggers. I’ll admit, when I rented the film I was solely interested in studying the fighting techniques and had little interest in following the movie. If I’m required to read a…
I can’t believe 80 days have passed me by already. Are we truly at the end? Sheesh. Where did all those days go? Tomorrow’s the last day. What did I learn? Since I am writing this in advance, I can’t tell you for sure where the kids and I are. We are playing our…
I know. I know. I hear what you are saying. It’s Tuesday. I shouldn’t be posting on a Tuesday. But it was brought to my attention by another fabulous blogger that today is National Barbie Day. Can you believe Barbie has her own day? I must admit I’m still having a little trouble wrapping my…
When I first came up with the concept of Immortal Monday, my thought was to eventually share a running storyline about immortals. Let’s face it, I am a story-teller. I’m doing my best to be an excellent blogger for you, but I often feel like I fall on my face. Can you see the visual?…
Whaa…? Posting on a Saturday? What gives? Welcome to an out of the ordinary Saturday post. This super cool experience is to celebrate the launch of my friend’s new book, Wilde’s Fire. The fabulous author, Krystal Wade, has been holding my hand since I first found my way on to the twitter scene last summer. Now I get…
My kids’ spring break has sprung upon us and found us completely unprepared. The husband has meetings he cannot miss, and no plans have been made. Do these things happen to anyone else? I used to be an organized person. An extreme type A personality. That all fell apart when I started writing. So, in…
Let’s talk Fae today. Immortal Monday has been itching for the topic since its inception. The few mentions of Prince Nuana, as of late, have not helped to keep that interest at bay. Although Prince Nuana is not Fae, but a Bethmoora elf, rather, it still pulls my mind in that direction. Bethmoora is the…
A little over a week ago Kristen Lamb talked about finding inspiration for your story in unlikely sources. It’s a wonderful piece about finding the spark in the everyday, ordinary places around us when you’re not looking for it. I suspect that has happened to you. It happens to all of us. But when we…