Posts Tagged: writing samples
Welcome to a second edition of Friday Fictioneers. I am now two for two. Woot woot! This one is also coming in at an even 100 word count – yay! If you’re unfamiliar with Friday Fictioneers, it’s when writers take on the challenge of writing a 100 word story, poem, haiku, based on a photo…
Where was I Wednesday? Getting ready to check out of my week of edit paradise, I awoke to a sea of white outside my window. All that after a night of babies crying and men coughing into all hours of the night. I was driving down the mountain at a snail’s pace with a HUGE…
When I first came up with the concept of Immortal Monday, my thought was to eventually share a running storyline about immortals. Let’s face it, I am a story-teller. I’m doing my best to be an excellent blogger for you, but I often feel like I fall on my face. Can you see the visual?…