Posts Tagged: Writer

A little over a week ago Kristen Lamb talked about finding inspiration for your story in unlikely sources. It’s a wonderful piece about finding the spark in the everyday, ordinary places around us when you’re not looking for it. I suspect that has happened to you. It happens to all of us. But when we…
What does that say to you? Every day when I bring the kids home from school a little something happens in our house that might make some people turn red in the face. What, did Sheldon give it away? Let me ask you, are you comfortable in your God-given skin? This has been an education…
A day late and a dollar short as my father used to always say. But it was for a good cause. An extremely important one, and I hope you took the time to educate yourself about SOAP and PIPA yesterday – if you didn’t already know the scoop. Now, enough about that, on to secrets!…