Before there was recorded history in China, there were the Great Pyramids of Giza. No small feat by any means was the effort and ingenuity it took to build them. The timing is a matter still under debate among many, ranging anywhere from twenty years to multiple lifetimes. In any case, you can be sure that the majority of the building time was spent on roughly the first one-third of the structure. This is based on the overall size and mass of the structure. But the reward of the intensive project was believed to be well worth it – a life everlasting: immortality.
Welcome to Immortal Monday as we look at one of the Seven Wonders of the World – The Great Pyramids of Giza. I had an intense curiosity where the pyramids were concerned growing up, and I would often plant myself in front of the television for many hour-long documentaries regarding the theories behinds their creation, function and symbolic meanings. Today, my plate is piled higher with many more items of interest, but the pyramids have never lost their luster.
The pyramids are included here today for two reasons:
- Their structure has made them world-famous and for that they will forever be known, thus making them immortal.
- In addition, it is believed by many that the Egyptians built the largest of the pyramids as a launching pad for the soul to the gods – to their immortality. If this doesn’t make them an element for Immortal Monday, I don’t know what does!
For the purpose of keeping this post tight and timely, I will focus primarily on the largest of the pyramids, Khufu’s Pyramid (also known as Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Cheops or the Pyramid of Giza).
What and Where
Constructed of limestone and granite, the largest pyramid, Khufu Pyramid, originally had a smooth outer casting made of limestone. This casting made it shiny and reflective, thus easily visible from afar. It’s unfortunate, but the outer casting was removed some 600 years ago to be used in the building of cities and Islam places of worship. This left the rough outer surface on the pyramid that we are all familiar with today.
So, was the smooth reflective surface simply a design feature or did it hold a higher purpose? One feature that has always baffled scientist is their physical location. Khufu’s Pyramid couldn’t be more precisely planted on the continents’ center line of gravitation if it were built today. Its location divides the earth’s land masses into equal quarters as it lies in the exact center of the earth’s land masses. I don’t know about you, but for the workers, artisans and masons of that day, I find that mind-boggling.
The Plate XX from an original 1877 copy of
Piazzi Smyth’s “Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid”.
Charles Piazzi Smyth (1819-1900) was Astronomer Royal for Scotland
and a respected Scientist.
There has been much speculation over the years about whether or not the pyramids were built by way of slave labor. Mark Lehner and Zahi Hawass have been working on this question for years. Mark Lehner is an American archaeologist with 30 years’ excavation experience under his belt in Egypt. His team currently runs the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. Zahi Hawass is his colleague and an Egyptian archaeologist. They have unearthed enough evidence to convince them that these marvels where undeniably made by the Egyptians. Next to the pyramids, they have found:
- A cemetery with hundreds of graves (*600 skeletons) worthy of men ready to move on to the afterlife. These men suffered work related injuries, usually dying in their 30’s.
- A settlement area
- Evidence of a bakery
- 25 unique titles associated with the people working on the pyramid project by way of hieroglyphic inscription work titles. Titles such as Inspector of Building Tombs.
- Artisans and craftsmen
They estimate a total workforce of 36,000 men built the great Pyramid of Giza. Of this workforce, a small crew worked for the king continuously while the rest of the crew rotated. People wanted to help build the pyramid and thus provided food for the labor force. They did it out of love and when it was finished, everyone celebrated. It is just the way it was in Egypt.
In their studies, they even conducted hands-on experiments and found moving the stones very do-able with twelve barefoot men and a slick surface. As long as they had twenty men teams and ten-hour days, they believe the pyramid could be built in twenty years. Of course it is thought the labor force worked from sun-up to sun-down. To find out more regarding their work, check out Mark’s interview with Nova Beta.
For a more in-depth look at how the pyramids were built, pop over to Construction of the Great Pyramid and scroll down to Cutting the Pyramid Blocks.
Stepping from the desert air into the dark cramped quarters of the inner chambers, we can begin to speculate as to their purpose and reasoning behind the design. Over the years it was held as a firm belief that the largest of the pyramids, Khufu’s pyramid, was built as a final resting place for the king, but no mummy or any evidence that any mummy ever rested in the tomb has ever been found. Nor were there ever any signs of kingly treasures. As for a tomb, this pyramid sure does have a lot of space! Extra rooms were included! There are guest bedrooms, and rooms to store all the kings extra stuff! I kid, but seriously, although the lower chamber has become known as the Queen’s chamber, it is unlikely any queen was ever buried there.
This video beautifully demonstrates the inner layout of Khufu’s Pyramid
Air shafts were added to let in fresh air, but of noticeable interest is the exact direction to which they face. Each shaft appears to lead directly to a particular star in the sky. The king’s chambers leads out to Orion’s Belt and Alpha Draco, the queen’s to Sirius and Kochab. Possible points of destination for our ascending royalty? More curious is the fact that the shafts leading to the queen’s chambers stop just short of connecting with the space itself. Hmm. No exit for the queen? Or is she being tested?
Did the Egyptians see themselves living as gods among the stars for all eternity? Many would say the evidence they left for us to find would suggest as much. Although I subscribe to a theory that is slightly more complicated than that simple statement. But whether they live today among the stars or not, their stories will continue to go on and on. What they accomplish continues to amaze the brightest of minds.
Other interesting facts you may not know about the pyramid –
- Each of the four sides are concave making it really eight sided rather than four. It is theorized this was done to support the weight of the stones and make them sturdy against any condition (i.e. sandstorms, earthquakes, etc.)
- The original door was a perfect fit. Easily opened from the inside, but when closed it was a perfect seamless fit that was impossible for any person to get a handle on, much less open (That is why there is a second opening now – the break-in to get into the tomb and open it from within many years ago)
- The pyramid was built with numerous symbolic measurements relating to numbers, dates and years. Passageways that chronicle the life of Christ, the total height relating to the Mayan calendar and their physical location lining up with the planetary rotation around the sun! It’s like one giant Nostradamus puzzle.
I could go on as the theories are fascinating, but they are also extremely involved and some of them practically scream for a post of their own. Who knows, mark that on my “to-do” list. So tell me, have you been to visit the great Pyramid of Giza? Or have you written a story involving the Great Pyramids? Did you learn anything new here today that makes you want to visit, if you haven’t already?
Thank you for stopping in! I always appreciate your time and comments. I am nothing if left without you.
*Number of skeletons unearthed comes from the Nova interview. As with all posts, I ask that you refer to my disclaimer before holding anything as truth. I do my best to present the facts as I know them, but the internet is a wily place.
If you enjoyed this post or any of my previous posts, I’d be delighted to have you follow by email or RSS for any future posts! Wouldn’t want you to miss out on an Immortal Monday installments.

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Can’t say I’ve ever been there, but I do think the pyramids are fascinating. I haven’t written anything involving them, but do love to read fantasy/fiction surrounding them. 🙂 Great post.
I would love to go there some day, but that looks rather doubtful given the current conditions. I think I would much rather let someone else write the stories and I’ll read them. Far too much to research involved for my liking. LOL Makes my head hurt. 🙂
I’ve always found the pyramids to be fascinating!
Cool post.
Thanks Coleen!
Wow. You really did your homework on this. Very interesting and informative!
And I so hate homework! LOL You’d think I get enough of it with the kids. 🙂
Totally fascinating! I love watching history shows about the pyramids or the Pharaohs. Their technological skills and understanding of astronomy is mind boggling indeed. I know we’ll never have the answers, but dang I wish we could know what they were thinking, why that location, the true meaning, etc etc.
The information and detail is insane! It almost makes you want to buy into the alien theory. LOL
Wow – amazing! Hubby has always had a fascination with the pyramids and has talked about the trip to seeing them being on his bucket list. Very cool. The precision and connections are just amazing!
I still need to make a bucket list. I figure if I don’t make it I can’t disappoint myself. 😀
Great post! I’ve always been fascinated by the pyramids and Egypt, in general. I’ve watched quite a few documentaries on the subject. So interesting about the connection to the stars. Also amazing is that the 3 pyramids line up in the same manner as the center stars in Orion’s belt.
Mind blowing.
Never been there and, since it’s so unstable over in that area, not sure I’ll ever go. But I have been to visit and climb the pyramid in Chichen Itza, which was super cool.
My brother-in-law was stationed over there for several years. Got to scuba dive the red sea! So cool! But he is very clear that we want to stay away. I highly doubt we will get to visit the Giza Plateau during this lifetime. Sigh.
Oh yeah…I like me some Yul. A lot. lol
Nice survey of the Giza Plateau complex. Mark Lehner is a tough act to follow, and he’s done some really amazing first-hand research. Dr. Hawass is like the rockstar of Egyptology, so you can never go wrong there. Love it!
Thanks Lesann! They are the team to check the facts with. They have been working the site extensively for years! But then, it sounds like you know that.
I got to see Yul in a production of The King and I when they came to Los Angeles many years ago. Of course, he looked much older than he does in the picture here. 🙂 It was fantastic though!
I’m terribly jealous that you got to see him in the King and I. Now I’m wondering how many of my leading men were secretly inspired by the Yul. Hmmm…I’ll have to check that. I met Mark Lehner back in the 90s and would keel over at the chance to meet Dr. Hawass…since the odds of me getting to Egypt any time soon are pretty slim, I’ll have to save the opportunity to make a complete ass of myself until later. 😉
What Tim said. LOL…wow, I cannot imagine the time you invest researching these blogs, Debra! Once again I walk away knowing things I never had a clue about before. Have I ever seen a pyramid? No. Will I ever? Probably not. Unless they build a bridge from here to there. 🙂
Lesann….I wondered if that was Yul Brenner. I vaguely remember him in a scary movie (maybe Westworld?). I think that’s the only thing I’ve ever seen him in.
Yep…he was the bad-boy-in-black cowboy robot in Westworld. That was a great movie at the time. I haven’t seen it in years, now I’d probably cringe. I had a thing for Yul going all the way back to his old westerns. You didn’t know about those huh? lol
Hi Debra,
Great post, so well informed. I’d love to see the pyramids in person rather than on the discovery channel. Here’s hoping someday I get to see them with my own eyes.
I’m with you Emma. It would be so much better to see them in person. Although I doubt they would let us go into the rooms the cameras have been kind enough to give us a peak at. Now that would be something!
What Kristy said that Tim said. 😉 This is such a wonderfully informative post, Debra. And you really stoke the reader’s imagination! One of the best attributes of blogging: learning about topics I might never have investigated on my own… You’re the best!
Thanks, August. You are always so kind. Having fun mixing up Immortal Mondays and giving the readers a little taste of everything.
Egipt and its pyramids are on my list of places to visit. My mom toured Egipt a couple of years ago and loved it. She brought back a lot of souvenirs for me and other members of our family, including a tiny glass pyramid with a pharaoh’s face ingraved on one site. Very cool.
I love this post, Debra – so informative! Great job.
Thank you Angela. My brother-in-law brought us back a few things when he was there too. Nothing from the pyramids though. He visited the temple carved into the cavern walls. I would love to see that as well. He brought us back something from that. Since it was in Indiana Jones it now has a prime spot in my son’s themed bedroom. 🙂
Wow, lots of amazing facts, Debra. It must have taken you hours and hours to research all of this. I’d love to visit the pyramids and see firsthand the awesome structures.
Thanks for a great post!
Some of the Immortal Mondays do. I spent a lot of time on this one and the Holy Grail piece. I’ll need to decompress for a while with some easier creature posts. LOL Anyone say vampire next week? LOL
This was fascinating! I’d love to see the pyramids in person some day. You must put so much time into the research on this stuff. I know who to turn to next time I need some info on something immortal! 😉
LOL Thanks Melinda. I am flattered. Immortal Mondays are still finding their groove but it’s been fun and interesting. I’ve enjoyed it. I’d love to get some guest post too. Jessica did a great job with Voldemort!
There’s so much I don’t know, starting with the fact these pyramids originally had a smooth limestone casing. Thanks for the overview. Now I want to see them for themselves.
You’re right; this is a fitting post for Immortal Monday.
Isn’t it sad that they pilfered the casting for building material? It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it. I would have loved to see the pyramids in the original design. Sigh.
I’m going to be completely honest with you – Immortal Monday is probably my favorite blog series. You hooked me with your post on Poseidon, and all of the ones following have just gotten better. Greek and Roman mythology and art history are my passions, but Egyptian art/history/myths are a close second. I was quite literally days away from signing up for a trip to Egypt when everything sort of exploded over there. I hope to go there someday, as it’s one of the few “must see” countries I haven’t been to yet.
I graduated with a BA in Art History and I’ve taken several classes on the Egyptians. They are always so fascinating! I do love me some Greeks, but these guys seem supernatural to me, considering all that they’ve accomplished. It’s amazing how much they knew before we rediscovered the same information. Great, great post!
I can’t begin to tell you how flattered I am! You have just slammed the pressure on girl. Damn! LOL Hope you can deal on the weeks I throw back to the good old vamps and weres from the books, TV and big screen, because anything is game on Mondays. Thank you so much for your wonderful praise. I don’t even feel worthy. You have humbled me.
I have so many “must see” countries on my list. This is one of them. But I think Pompeii is at the top of my list. That has always caught my fancy.
No pressure! Just keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be fine. 🙂 If you ever need anyone to take a load off your shoulders and do a guest post, just let me know. I’m a huge mythology buff and I’ve got a million art history/myth text books around here.
I’ve been to Pompeii! It was fabulous and I learned so much. Eerie seeing Vesuvius just across the way. I even got to visit an ancient brothel. 😀
I’m soo jealous! I’ve had that trip planned twice! And had it cancelled due to the husband’s work. 🙁 Now the kids are older and it’s harder to make work. Some day.
Oh, and I just might take you up on that guest post at some point. 😉 I love guest posts!
Fabulous article, Debra. The Egyptians never cease to fascinate. I hope the pyramids do stand for all time!
They have been standing for around 4000 years. That’s a pretty good track record. Since the aliens are supposed to return on 12/21/12 they don’t need to last much longer. Hahahaha…. Just kidding. I don’t believe the aliens are coming at the end of this year. That was one of the dates caculated in the pyramid pretaining to the end of the world. I’m not buying that one.
I have always wanted to go and see the pyramids in person. And I love learning about them and watching all pyramid related movies. Even that really bad one with The Rock. It is all so interesting.
Their magnetic, aren’t they? Something about them just pulls you in. The Rock. (giggles) Dwayne Johnson? Didn’t he play some sort of ancient mummy? The Scorpion King? I saw that one too. But I liked him best as The Tooth Fairy! 😀 I hear there’s a sequel to that coming out. My kids have informed me.
The pyramids are on my bucket list. I am fascinated by them. thanks for another glimpse into a passion of mine.
You are most welcome Louise!
Wow! I have always been fascinated by the pyramids. The exact center of the land masses – that is crazy. And the Christ’s triangle is astonishing. They seem SO much smarter than we do today and the didn’t have the internet! Ha. The more I learn – and I love to learn – the less it seems I know. Great post. I’m following you now on WP as well as on twitter.
Isn’t it wild MJ? It gets more unbelievable than what I posted. The information was simply too much for an Immortal Monday! It could practically turn into a little mini-series. I still have some of it open on my computer to wade through. Sorry it took me so long to work this far down into the comments. I’ve been a little backlogged this week. I really appreciate the new follow. I checked out your blog and was very intrigued by your latest post regarding songs and lyrics. That PG-13 is extremely eye catching! LOL
I’ve always been fascinated by the pyramids, Debra, and I learned new things from you! I’ll visit them someday.
Great research and fun post!
I hope you do get to visit them Fabio. And when you do, post pictures on your blog so that the rest of us may live it through you. 😀 Thank you for your compliment.
This is so interesting! I need to have the Scribe read this. She absolutely loves anything to do with Egyptians 🙂
I would be extremely curious to know what the Scribe has to say about all of it. If she has any words of wisdom, please share. 😀
So fascinating! Thanks for sharing!!!
You’re welcome, Sonia. 🙂
I learned a lot from reading your article. Thank you
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