Posts Tagged: Reap Not the Dragon

This month I’m touring the blogosphere promoting The Moorigad Dragon and Reap Not the Dragon. Follow along. In honor of all things Dragon I thought it would be fun to do two thing:  Explore Kyra’s hybrid dragon nature. Kyra is the dragon shifter from The Moorigad Dragon and Reap Not the Dragon.  Revisit a snippet…
The carnival is touring the cyber countryside in a new book tour. All the cars are packed and it’s chugging along smoothly. You can follow the stops from here: Promotional Book Tours. There are a lot of fun things planned: story excerpts, book reviews, author interviews, and guest posts. The fun will last all month-long!…
It’s book cover reveal time! The story’s release is barreling down on us like an angry dragon! You’ve seen The Moorigad Dragon. Hopefully you read the Moorigad Dragon – a story told from, Kyra, our heroine’s point of view. Now it’s time to hear things from the men’s perceptive. Bring on Sebastian and Marcus in……