It’s book cover reveal time! The story’s release is barreling down on us like an angry dragon! You’ve seen The Moorigad Dragon. Hopefully you read the Moorigad Dragon – a story told from, Kyra, our heroine’s point of view. Now it’s time to hear things from the men’s perceptive. Bring on Sebastian and Marcus in……
Books, Books, Books! Pick any book. It’s bigger on the inside! Indeed it is! Each and every book is much bigger on the inside. Like a mini TARDIS of imagination locked within the pages. It’s magical, mystical, almost incomprehensible, but true. It’s a Narnia waiting to be discovered by you! Why wouldn’t you want to…
Halloween is two weeks away. I used to get overly excited about this particular holiday. We’d take weeks or more transforming our house. Building rooms within rooms. Creating tunnels, cemeteries, and every kind of scare you can conceive. This year things are different. This year I’m finding it difficult to get the decorating buzz humming.…
Authors want to make their stories, not only engaging but, authentic and true to the setting and characters. Experts say to write what you know―always good advice. Characters sometimes have other ideas. Sometimes they have a strong opinion about where their story should take place. And sometimes you, as the author, are less than familiar…
While so many are making their resolutions for the New Year and writing down plans for the year to follow, I say we take a short break and talk about entertainment. It’s not only time for some of our favorite shows to return to television, but the mid-season kick-off to get underway. Have you taken…