Posts Tagged: Medusa

Perseus, son of the mortal Danae and the god Zeus, became famous for his role in defeating various ancient monsters. We’ve talked about several of them the past few weeks. He bested the Graeae, retrieving what he needed from them, beheaded the Gorgon Medusa, and saved the lovely Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. The…
Ask anyone and most have heard of the woman with a head of snakes―the infamous Medusa. (There is a previous Medusa post. I like this one better and it works with this months series) Medusa was actually one of three gorgon sisters―A trinity—all children of the ancient marine deity Phorcys and his divine sister Ceto.…
A Gorgan. The name derives from an ancient Greek word meaning dreadful. It’s an appropriate description for Medusa and her kind. They’re ugly creatures with slithering snakes for hair, who can turn anyone to stone at a glance. A fun topic for #ImmortalMonday. Medusa the Monster Not that long ago I was reading a great…