Posts Tagged: author interview
I did an author interview! Last week, I sat down in front of my computer and dedicated thirty minutes to an interview with Pod and Deliver. I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. I have a fear of public speak and thought I’d come across looking rather sad, but (truth be told) I came…
Vampires are no stranger to Immortal Monday. Traditionally they were the things of nightmares, creatures lurking in the dark and something to be feared. Today’s we’ve come to look at them in a new light. They’ve been romanticized and are now approached from many different angles. We have dark and sexy vampires that will befriend you (Damon…
When I was young I had a horrible time with history. Hated it. Where did this stem from? I never had a very good teacher when it came to the subject. In high school I had a teacher that I think tried to make class time fun. The problem was he wasn’t making the subject…
Welcome to a world where anything is possible. A world where magic and fantasy come together. What? You didn’t know you were in such a place? Have you gotten lost? We celebrate the impossible here. As a writer of fantasy, I like indulging my inner child and believing that every now and again, magic can…