Posts Categorized: Life

How much do you love getting away from it all? Zipping away with the special people in your life and forgetting about all other responsibilities for the time being? I recently had this opportunity. But I’ve got to tell you, when I heard I was going to be in Hawaii at the time of E.C.…
Change. The foundation for opportunity. Do you fear it or embrace it? I’m not talking metaphorically. I mean right now, how do you react to change? For a moment, imagine life without change. Pretty boring, don’t you think? Every day – same old, same old. Of course, change can be perceived by many as scary,…
I hate homework! Okay. That might be a little strong. But, that’s what my kids are already singing and what I was dealing with as of last week. I’m not a huge fan of piles of paperwork or reliving elementary education. Of course, life isn’t always about what we want, is it? Where is THOR!!!…
Ah, to escape. Get away. Vacation. Summer is all but over for the family with kids. I won’t pretend you don’t hear my sigh. But I haven’t been able to make it through a single blog post without three or four interruptions. And, I mean reading YOUR posts, not working on my own! That’s an entirely…
Comic-Con. What a thrill ride! I have participated in this exciting event more years than I can recall.  I may be more of a geek, when it comes right down to it, than my husband. I care more than he does about checking on his company booth and grabbing a few shots. What’s up with…
For the next few days I will be immersed in the Comic-Con experience. Not just any Con experience, but the San Diego Comic-Con event. It’s something my husband and I have been doing together since before we were married. Which is well beyond a decade now. It started as a day outing for us, but after…
Welcome to Thorsday! Alright, bad joke. I’m running on little sleep here. Cut me some slack.  🙂 What’s that? Okay, okay. We’ll get right to it then. Thor didn’t care to leave that manly celebration of testosterone and classic auto-motion last week. We’ll just keep his childish behavior between us. Shh. You’ll be happy to know…
Sometimes a place speaks to you, calls to your heart. Not in words, but through feelings. It’s a sensation so strong it’s hard to resist. It could be the comfort of your own home, a place from a childhood memory, or a stop along the a path you just happened upon. But for some reason,…
Remember when you got to pick out your brand new lunch box, how fabulous it felt? You were on top of the world. You had the new shiny plastic or vinyl art square with pictures of your favorite show or character. If you are old enough (like some of us. I’m not pointing any fingers)…