Welcome to Thorsday! Alright, bad joke. I’m running on little sleep here. Cut me some slack. 🙂 What’s that? Okay, okay. We’ll get right to it then. Thor didn’t care to leave that manly celebration of testosterone and classic auto-motion last week.
We’ll just keep his childish behavior between us. Shh.
You’ll be happy to know that wrestling with giants is a worthy distraction for our Norse god, and his otherwise discontented mood. Jansen Schmidt saw the giant, did you? Do you know Jansen/Patricia? You should get to know her if you don’t.
The giantess attempted to blast Thor with her plasma pulse, but it was no match for Mjölnir! ~ Thor’s hammer 😉 He knocked her flat on her…well that thing picture down there.
Now as you know, we have smart readers here at the Debra Kristi blog. They know a god like Thor would be up for a serious adrenaline rush. Something tells me ‘said god’ would be able to talk Melinda VanLone and Marcy Kennedy into joining him for a little cliff dive or two. After all, who could say no to that?

The water below is crystal clear and perfect for a midday’s dip. He knows you want to join him, Lynn Kelley. He says it was your idea. Could this be true?
Could it be a faerie in disguise?
Oh no! The water is overrun by hordes of these hideous beasts!
After wrestling the water beast, Thor is ready to enjoy some quiet calm with the giantess. He’s trying not to think about the Bifrost, Serena Dracis, Author. Understandable, it’s a sore subject.

Yep. I’m cheap like that. I couldn’t pass up the towel pic. 🙂
What do we do when we are just relaxing with nature in our own realm? We commune with it! Pick away at the unwanted weeds. Then reward ourselves with a go on the swing. We indulge in sweet tea at the top of the tree house/fort, and pass the magic saucer back and forth across the mini lawn.
We enjoy the various flowers that bloom in our garden.
Or our lanterns, still standing, but curiously aged and rusted.
We also pretend to talk with the critters, like Snow White. They don’t react quite the same.
(Thor would ride him like the giant Bodmin! )
And indulge in rare moments like this one. Beautiful.
It reminds us to always take time to stop and smell the flowers.
How do you spend a mellow day in the space of your own realm?
There will be no Photo Challenge next week in honor of the 4th of July. Thor most likely will be drunk off plenty of grog. Any excuse, it’s all he needs. ~ And to be honest, I have a real love hate relationship with the WP photo process. Ugh. Anywho…
I will be in Fast Draft hell for the next two weeks. I know you haven’t seen much of me lately. I apologize. I have been suffering from sleep deprivation, lethargic tendencies and just about anything else you can think of that comes from a mush brain as the result of overwork, over stress, and not enough sleep, rest and play. I’m taking this time, while the kids are out of school and it’s impossible to work, to rest up and (hopefully) catch up on some writing. A game plan is being formulated and hopefully I will be stronger than ever when my class finishes up. Fingers crossed.
Look for that and a blog move at the end of summer.
Remember: Send in your picture of your favorite vacation location Tell me what you are recommending for our readers and if you like, tell me why you are recommending it. If you posted something about your choice, send me the link.
Love the Where is Thor posts! BTW – I’m sure you know this already, but since you said you were joking in the opening line, I’ll mention it anyway… Thursday really is named for Thor. And Friday is named for Freya (pretty sure about that one). The days of the week are a strange brew of mixed mythologies, but the Norse pantheon is in there.
Thanks, Stephen! I believe we’ve covered that on this blog before. But as I wrote this at three in the morning, to actually say it, it felt funny. Our days of the weeks are mixed with the Greek gods, the Norse gods, the sun and the moon. I think I got them all. The Greek god days of the week will be brought up again in a Immortal Monday post pretty soon.
That towel picture was hot! …….opens door to freezer…….
I know. Now if Thor could invite some friends over. *grins*
I would fly to Cali for that!
What??? Only TWO shots of Chris today? See above comment…
*Giggles* Yep. But where are the pictures of his lovely wife Sif? Hum? We need to find something to please everyone who stops by. Hehehe.
That was awesome! Thanks for the blog love. Right back atcha!
Favorite vacation spot? I’ll be submitting my favorite for sure. I’m not sure how to do it here, or if that’s even possible. I’m sorely wordpress challenged, but I’m learning. Look for an e-mail.
Good luck with the speed writing!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Glad you liked that Patricia! You’re so welcome. You can send your vacation photo to Debra Kristi @ gmail.com without the spaces.
these are such fun, Debra. thanks so much. enjoy fast draft.
Thanks, Louise! Hoping for great things. 🙂
He is hot, hot, hot! If I can find a blanket size towel to tie around me and hide my flab, yep, I’m game! What a fun series, Debra.
I hope you get lots of rest and feel better soon. Take care of yourself.
Thank you, Lynn. I’m working on it. I rested writer is a more productive writer. D
I wouldn’t pass up that opportunity in the pool either. 😉
LOL at Thor riding the NyanCat poptart! Gotta like those pics too – flowers, cute bunny, and of course, Thor! Sometimes you just have to take a break – believe me, I know. Looking forward to hearing about your FastDraft success when you return!
Thanks, Jennette! Isn’t that gif a hoot! I just love it! I’m hoping for fabulous things. If I can just stop my brain from interfering. LOL.
Beautiful pictures, Debra, and I’m not just speaking about the pictures of Thor, although those are mighty fine. Relaxation these days is taking a tour around my flowerbeds to see what’s blooming each day.
Have a great summer! Looking forward to seeing you back here in the fall!
I imagine the flowers in your garden are simply beautiful. Maybe you will share them with us some time in the future? Have a great summer as well! Mine is going to be CRAZY busy. I hope you get in some relaxation for us both.
THORSDAY. HA! Love it, Debra. Your enthusiasm is contagious. And what gorgeous nature shots. I can’t wait for Thor’s drunken post. 😉 Have a beautiful weekend.
Well, you know Thor likes his grog, I little more than the average god. Hehe. Who knows what kind of trouble he will get us into this next few days. Lordy, lordy.
Glad you liked my nature shots. I’ve been playing a lot with my new camera. It’s fun! 😀
Rest up, Sweet Lady. We’ve got some partying to do in July! I love the Nyan Cat/Thor. I might have to make that my desktop photo instead of the castle at Disneyland. Gasp!
Thank you for those delicious pics of Chris. That towel… hmmm, if only he’d lose it. 😉
That will make one SWEET desktop photo! If only there was one with the Disney castle in the background. That would be perfect!
Party perfection come up soon! Have you checked the schedule yet? They have started posting. I haven’t had a chance, but want to start going through it when I get back.
Tameri – lose the towel. You’re such a naughty girl. LOL. I love it. 🙂
That video was SO ADORABLE. And I loved that the dog’s name was Loki!
Isn’t it the cutest! I just love the dog. He hardly looks up. The ending took me by complete surprise the first time. I was expecting something similar to the Darth Vader version. This was fabulous.
*laughs* Brilliant post, Debra. I loved the pictures. Beautiful nature picture and Chris Hemsworth. Perfect.
Thank you, Reeta. I’m glad you enjoyed it.