Supernatural Dog Dean and NaNo

A peek into my life…it’s midnight…and the first chance I’ve had to sit down at my computer all day. I’ve known all week that I should get my Supernatural post pulled together. Of course, knowing something and making it come together are two separate things. I’m a busy mom with two very demanding kids. My time is very rarely my own. That’s one reason, and probably the biggest reason, I am sitting here so late at night.

The second reason: it’s National Novel Writing Month. My goal is to get 50,000 words written by November 30th. To date I have 17,429 words completed. At that rate I’m not going to make it. I have a BIG family vacation in the middle of my NaNoWriMo. It’s my Achilles heel. Once I’m off with the family it will only be by the Grace of God if any words get written. We’ll be going till we drop each day until the vacation is over. 

Let’s invoke a little supernatural magic here and now. Think about that task that is currently giving you trouble. Put your hands together and say these word: We can do it!

Ooohh! I already feel your magic at work. You are magnificent!

See what we did? We all helped each other with the power of our positive thoughts. Pass it forward.

Now it’s all up to me to keep my eyes open and let the mojo fly from my fingers through all the quite hours the family provides so that I may reach my goal. Fingers crossed there are enough of those quiet hours to make a difference. How about you? Where is the magic going to work in your life? Only answer that if you want to.

Where do we stand on Supernatural Sunday?

Gif анимация. Jensen Ackles играет на гитаре.Two weeks from today our lucky winner, Shauna Granger, will be taking in all the fantastic things J2LA has to offer. I can’t wait till she  reports back and shares all her pictures with us. Maybe even some video?? What ever bone she toss our way will graciously be accepted. 🙂

supernatural-dog-dean-afternoon-previewTuesday’s episode: Dog Dean Afternoon. Yeah, not my favorite. When I saw the ad I thought cheesy. After sitting through an hour of the show my suspicions were confirmed. You may feel completely different, though.


There are some fun stops for Winchester event discussions. Check them out:

Searching SuperWomen has a weekly vlog where they discuss the brother’s most recent adventure. This week’s is here. If you only want to listen and not feel obligated to watch a video then check out the podcast: Women of Letters. They post less often and group episodes together for the discussion. Still fun. 😀 Find their latest here.

I may be missing the chance to see the Supernatural cast in person this time, but I will get to see The Doctor on the big screen, and that has my family pretty darn excited. The latest trailer for The Day of the Doctor was released this Saturday. It a Huge deal! Gigantic! If you’re a fan. Which my kids happen to be two of  the biggest. I just have to share because I’m such a geek! 

And the second one, because I couldn’t make up my mind…

Back to Sam and Dean…while we’re talking about our favorite hunters, I happen to have someone in my circle that could have been a perfect candidate to receive some of their “skilled” help. Author Caroline Mitchell had the unpleasant experience of living in a home with a very active member from the other side. Her true story is due to launch in two weeks. If you are drawn to the paranormal, and stories of real life events, than check this out. You may want to read it with all the lights on.


18773398Paranormal Intruder is the true story of one families brave fight against an invisible entity. Described as one of the best-documented cases of paranormal activity, this page turning book will stay with you long after you have finished reading it.

Find Paranormal Intruder on Facebook.

Say hello to Caroline on her blog and follow her author’s journey.

Follow her on Twitter.

Mark her book “To Read” on goodreads.


Do you believe in the paranormal? Have you ever had an experience of your own? Possibly one worthy of Sam and Dean’s help. 😉


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.


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13 thoughts on “Supernatural Dog Dean and NaNo”

  1. Emma MeadeEmma Meade

    I haven’t seen that Supernatural episode yet. Not a big fan of cheese, but still, it’s got Dean and Sam, so who cares? 🙂

    November 10, 2013
  2. CarolineCaroline

    Debra thank you so much for featuring my book on your fantastic blog, and on the same page as Dr Who too, what more can a girl ask for 😉

    November 10, 2013
  3. Kristy K. JamesKristy K. James

    Congratulations to Shauna! I’m totally jealous! 🙂

    I haven’t watched too much Supernatural for a while now. Is this one more cheesy than the one where Dean wound up dressed like Hansel? I love their funny episodes. Still have yet to see one as funny as Yellow Fever though – and I watch the Eye of the Tiger video more often than I’ll ever own up to. I love both of those guys, but Jensen…lip syncing…yeah.

    Good luck with your goal. It’s tough to fit all that writing in during a holiday month. And when you throw a vacation in there, too…yikes! 🙂

    November 10, 2013
  4. Coleen PatrickColeen Patrick

    I’ve always been fascinated with the supernatural, but haven’t really experienced anything like the Sam and Dean stuff. Probably because I’m a scaredy cat and avoid things that could be potentially scary! Good luck with NaNo. 🙂

    November 11, 2013
  5. Jennette Marie PowellJennette Marie Powell

    Didn’t know you were doing NaNo! What’s your screen name there? I’m jennettemariepowell. You’re doing great with over 17k! And yes, you can do the 50,000! It will be a challenge during vacation to be sure, but you can do it! So keep up the good work!

    November 11, 2013
  6. kindredspirit23kindredspirit23

    I will not sit here and say, categorically, that I disbelieve in the paranormal. I am not certain how I feel about “harmful” entities. I believe in angels and spirits. It’s just that I pretty well believe them all to be beneficial. That’s just my view. I think the harmful things are something else entirely and may just be our own brains. Again, just my thoughts.

    November 17, 2013

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