Launch Needed: Row80 Check-in 1/22

Live and learn. This is week 2 down, and as I stated previously, I’m always one step behind those that began on-time. This was not the kind of week I would care to have many of. Productivity?… Eeh

Everything suffered because…

  • The kids were out of school both Monday (holiday) and Friday (staff development day)
  • I got called to the school during my usual WIP work time for a kid issue on Wednesday
  • I had to handle kid birthday stuff on Thursday
  • Family matters took over ALL of my Friday and Saturday

What did I have left after all of that?  Not much.  And I still had to get my blog posts done in there somehow. Saying a prayer and hoping the Lord shows mercy on me. On top of all those road blocks, my story is not cooperating. I feel it’s trying to tell me something, but what, I’m not exactly sure. I need something to jog me free and launch me onto the right path.

Wait for it… wait for it…

What I did manage to accomplish: 2374 post words (not including this one), 930 on the WIP and A LOT of quality time with many different family members. So all in all it was still a good week. Not what I was hoping for my writing side of life, but hopefully next week will find me back on track.


When things go wrong as they sometimes will,                                                          When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill                                                            When the funds are low and the debts are high,                                                          And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,                                                              When care is pressing you down a bit —                                                                       Rest if you must, but don’t quit.

Life is strange with its twists and turns,                                                                           As every one of us sometimes learns,                                                                            And many a fellow turns about                                                                                      When he might have won had he stuck it out.                                                          Don’t give up though the pace seems slow —                                                                 You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than                                                                                               It seems to a fair and faltering man,                                                                           Often the struggler has given up                                                                                  When he might have captured the victor’s cup,                                                               And he learned too late when night came down,                                                            How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out —                                                                                   The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,                                                                             And you never can tell how close you are,                                                                          It may be near when it seems afar,                                                                                    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit, —                                                              It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

— Author Unknown —

Thank you for stopping by. I always appreciate your time and comments.

32 thoughts on “Launch Needed: Row80 Check-in 1/22”

  1. Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

    Family time is almost always a good thing. Even when it interferes with writing goals. And it can be a welcome relief when your story is giving you problems. Sometimes I think our brains just need to focus on something different before we figure out what’s going on. Just make sure you keep a notebook and pen beside your bed because too often the solutions come just as you’re ready to doze off for the night. (or in your case, half the night, lol)

    Also keep in mind Murphy’s Law…or some variation of it. You set a goal, or goals, and life is just not going to cooperate. Especially with writing. Family things will demand your attention, as will the cobwebs in the dark corner of the basement or a closet (although that’s usually limited to when the story is giving you fits).

    I have come to the conclusion, for me, that my goals are going to be the minimum I can write down and not totally humiliate myself when I put it out there. And except for word count, I’m going to make them pretty general. Because when I get really specific, or make the list longer than it should be….I’m not going to accomplish half of what I set out to do. When I ‘underachieve’ in goal setting, I nearly always exceed them.

    Just a thought. 🙂

    And yes, I’m rambling….should have gone to bed an hour ago but I’m too stubborn (or stupid) to give in.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      It’s true Kristy. Murphy’s Law does like to rear its ugly head. I did set my goals in what I thought to be the do-able yet “push-me” range. I wanted the nudge. But let’s hope this week is the exception. Of course my youngest has been throwing up tonight so… praying that doesn’t go into this next week and she kicks it quickly.

      Lately I’ve found that my ideas come to me when I’m with someone. They’ll be actively engaged in talking to me and I find it rather rude to stop them so that I may write my idea down. I wait and hope that I don’t lose all of the thought by the time I have a chance to write it down. It doesn’t always work out.

      • Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

        Liquid echinacea… That’s what I always tell people when vomiting is an issue. Unless you have food poisoning, it almost always takes care of the problem within 12 hours. But only the liquid form, not the capsules.

        You know, if your ideas are coming to you while talking with people, I’d just keep a little notebook and pen in my purse and when the ideas come just say something like….”OMG, I can’t believe you just said that! You just helped me solve a problem with a story I’m writing. Hang on just a second while I write that down.” And then write down a short sentence or two. Ten to one they’ll feel happy that they just helped you with a problem.

  2. shah whartonshah wharton

    Debra – I think you are doing really well. You’ve created through writing this week and not inconsiderably either. Good for you. And on top of family drama’s/celebrations too. Take a deep great and allow yourself a ‘Well done’ and take a break. Allow yourself a quiet moment (if thats not utterly impossible) and I’m sure just as your about to sink into the relaxation, the mind will tell you the answer to the story issue. I do hope so. Sometimes forcing the issue can make a stubborn problem seem concrete sealed.

    Shah. X

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you Shah. I know that trying to force it can possibly leave me with some less than ideal results. So I’m not trying to force it, but rather floating about hoping my gut will tell me what it is I should be doing – write, edit, re-read, what? So far I am getting cliffs note versions and I want all the juicy details. Thank you soo much for your kind words and thoughtful advice. It is greatly appreciated.

  3. MelindaMelinda

    Been there, done that on the non-cooperating story front. In the end I did end up just throwing words down knowing I would be editing the heck out of them later. I got rewarded with a MC heading off with a mind of her own and an entirely new plot angle I hadn’t considered before but actually rather like. /shrug. I guess it really was trying to tell me something lol. I had the same stumble over the day off last week as well, since DH was home. But hey, writers need a break too! And quality family time is never a bad thing. Here’s hoping the story cooperates for you this week!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I have been getting the cliffs note version right now Melinda. But when I do my drafts I tend to be extremely detail oriented. I write like an “all you can eat” buffet, then I come back and edit like I’m on a diet. Right now I’m getting less than the diet. In the past when this has happened I’ve skipped the problem area and come back to it when the information finally decided to flow to me. I may do that again this time. At least you got through yours and you are following your characters into new uncharted territory.

  4. themidnightnovelistthemidnightnovelist

    The second week wasn’t a good week for me either – maybe it’s a trend? This week was much better, though, so I have faith in you! That video was AWESOME. I’m still laughing. Hope you get that kind of launch into your writing soon. Good luck!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Is there something to it? Out of the gate running, stumble in the 2nd. LOL Well, let’s hope I pick up my heels and get back on track like you have then. You seem to be doing very well this week. 😉

  5. Louise BehielLouise Behiel

    Sounds like week 2 on the biggest Loser But family time is so important. and it sounds like you nailed that. well done.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you Louise. Family time is extremely important. And I did get some great quality time in with some members of my family I may not get the chance to see again. That was bitter sweet.

  6. Emma BurcartEmma Burcart

    Ok, I feel better now. It seems like a lot of people had rough weeks, so something must’ve been in the air. Explains why I had such a tough week at the day job. It was only three day work week, but it felt like ten days with no break. I am sure this coming week is going to be great and super productive for us all!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Oh no! Air-born bad day virus – or days. LOL Sorry your week didn’t go so well Emma. I agree, it can’t go longer than one week. We are due for a better week coming up. I’m cheering you on!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thanks for the link Karen! That was very cool of you. And by including it here you helped me go directly to the right blog. I often jump around your blogs a little lost. You know – always working on half steam. I think you have a few things to complain about. I’m hoping next week is a lot better for everyone!

  7. Natalie HartfordNatalie Hartford

    Debra, you are totally rocking it out. Family is important and sometimes life just steps in and takes over for a little while and it’s healthy and normal. Sometimes a break is exactly what we never knew we needed. Enjoy your family time and here’s to more writing time this week.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I know you’re right Natalie. I am really glad I took this time to spend with the family. Family and friends should be at the core of who we are. To better writing next week! I’m raising my margarita glass to you! Sounds like you can use a drink??

  8. Nicole BasarabaNicole Basaraba

    You accomplished a lot considering your week. Great job! Love the poem by the way. 🙂 have a great week.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thanks Nicole! It was a bit of a rough week. I should be back at the word sprints this week, assuming I can figure out where I need to be writing in the story. Monday’s iffy since my sick kid will be home with me. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Oooo Wheee! Thanks Ben! Way cool! I am honored you thought of me.

  9. Fabio BuenoFabio Bueno

    It seems you made the most out of a really busy week. I like your positive outlook 🙂
    You turned the curveballs into enjoyable moments, like spending more time with family.
    And you wrote a lot! Here’s to even more words next week!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thanks Fabio! We both got thrown curveballs, didn’t we? LOL

  10. TeacherWriterTeacherWriter

    Well, you didn’t get a ton of writing done this week, but there’s always next week, right? Your video game my family and me huge bellylaughs. Thanks for posting that!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Isn’t the video great?! I bet those kids just lined up and had the larger kid launch them all. Crazy fun! Hate the video title. That bothers me, but not enough to keep me from posting! – Here’s to this next week being much more productive!

  11. Paige KellermanPaige Kellerman

    Ugh..this week was a total wash for me, as well. Barely got the blog posts done and nothing done on the WIP, except a few sentences. My daughter was sick, so I spent days and days on the couch, holding her and trying to convince my healthy son he didn’t want to be taking things apart. This week is a fresh week! Thanks for the pick-me-up!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I’m sorry to hear your little one is sick too! Would that be Sundance? 🙁 No cookies for her. Boohoo. I know what you mean. I spent my day on the couch too. Monkey just wanted me there with her, close by. There’s just something about having mom to cuddle with when you don’t feel good. Sorry I haven’t visited this week. I miss your witty humor. 🙁 As you can see, it wasn’t the best week for me. I’m all for starting fresh.Speaking of fresh, you need to change your avatar to match the pretty author photo you have on your blog now. 🙂

  12. Karen McFarlandKaren McFarland

    Beautifully said Debra! And you don’t have to tell me about Murphy’s Law. That was my maiden name. LOL! Could this be why it seems like a black cloud keeps following me around? Hmm?

    Well my friend, tomorrow is the start of a brand new week! Yeah!!!!

    Let’s hope it to be more productive! And peace be with you. 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you, my friend. Let’s hope you can start working in some writing time. You need to get back to your WIP. I do hope your hubby is starting to feel better??

      I say no more black clouds. I banish them away. As the Goddess Isis, I command them to dissipate! – Okay, well you may have got me there. I’m not really the Goddess Isis. But I did dress like her once for a party.

  13. Sheila SeabrookSheila Seabrook

    Moving forward, even when it feels like it’s at a snails pace, Debra, is still getting you closer to your goal. Feel good that you wrote those 930 words. I think there’s a lot of us still struggling to fine tune our goals and meet them. 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thank you Sheila for the wake up. You’re right, I should be very thankful. During our blogging course and the first couple months that followed I wasn’t able to work on my WIP at all. I was having a hard time seeing how it was all supposed to fit together. I think I’m starting to get there now. Baby steps.

  14. Jennette Marie PowellJennette Marie Powell

    Hey Debra, 930 words is better than none! Sometimes the writing goals just have to wait. The other thing is don’t think of yourself as being behind, think of this week as a new beginning. You’re not behind; jump in where you are! Good luck figuring out your story issues, and getting back into a good groove.

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