I don’t like to talk politics with my friends and family, so I definitely avoid it here on my blog. In fact, for many of the same reasons, I avoid talks of religion. But there is something much too important to be ignored and I feel compelled to draw your attention to it, if you haven’t already been made aware.
Where do you see yourself two years from now? Could it be in a situation like this one?
It’s sad that something we take for granted now could change with the passing of SOPA, the bill Congress is railroading through before we the people have a chance to build up enough support to stop them.
Whether you use the internet for work, entertainment, research or homework, SOPA will change the internet world for you and everyone across the globe. On December 31, 2011 Obama signed the NDAA (if you’re not familiar with it, you should change that), don’t sit there and do nothing while the government move this one through as well. Please take the few minutes out of your life to watch the following video to learn more about it.
What can you do about it, you ask? For starters, sign the petition. On January 24th Congress will vote to pass this bill. We need to kill it before they have that chance. In a massive display of protest, websites across the U.S. will be going on strike January 18th from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you have a website you too can join the cause. If not, that’s alright, let your voice be heard. Ring your message loud and clear.
I like the way this guy thinks! If only we could get all the Big Boys to play along. ~Be warned – he has a potty mouth
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about SOPA. I hope you understand what is at stake and stand up to protect our civil liberties. Because, if we don’t, no one else will.
Due to the strike, the post (Secrets of One Naughty and Nice) regularly scheduled for Wednesday will be postponed till Thursday. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yay! We’ll all be blacked out together! Great post.
Yay! I wonder how many of us there will be. Once I found the blackout option in WP it was easy! Thanks Emma! I’ve been running back and forth between this and the kids since I brought them home. LOL
I’m right there with you, Debra! My sons are even going dark tomorrow, shock of all shocks! Tweeted and will now facebook it…
That’s major when your kids are willing to sacrifice for the cause. Kudos for you all!
Fantastic! Another one in the black out! I’ll be DARK too! 🙂
A great day for the WIP! 😉
I hope you don’t mind, but you’ve said everything I would say and done it so well…I might just be linking to you as my blog tomorrow! Lazy way out for me, I know…but I found this so informative that I’d like to share it.
I don’t mind Melinda, but my setting are such that my entire blog will go dark between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. thereby making it impossible to see. I can’t think of anyway around it.
Thanks for this post, Debra. I just shared it on FB. I’m glad so many are taking part in the strike.
Thanks for the share Lynn! It really is great to see so much participation.
I’ve shared on Twitter and FB. I’ll be “dark” too. Thanks for the great post with great videos. Together, we’ll be heard!
That’s the hope, right?! Thanks for the share Molly! We can’t exactly go charging in there like Sarah Connor with guns blazing, but at least we can do this. LOL
Very good article, Debra! I’m pleased to see so many bloggers taking a stand against this kind of censorship! The only thing I would like to add is that as far as I know, online petitions don’t mean anything legally. I found this out several years ago, and it was reinforced when many Michigan residents tried to recall the new governor last year. It would be more effective if people called their Washington representatives, and even email them.
Really good thing to know! Thanks for sharing that information Kristy.
WooHoo! Way to go, Debra! Spread the word!
Thanks Serena! Right back at cha!