A Ghost, A Werewolf, A Vampire and Immortal Monday

What do they all have in common? A show whose second season premiers in the U.S. tonight!  That might be why Being Human is hijacking Immortal Monday! I tuned in for the series premiere last year out of mild curiosity, not expecting much, and to my surprise was quickly sucked in (Pun intended).

The series is a take-off on the already British hit by the same name. The British version has been going strong for three full years now and has just started its fourth season, we hope to see the same longevity in the American adaptation. For those unfamiliar with the show, you might wonder what would bring three supernatural beings together in a platform to create such a successful show. One answer – a home. A rental home to be exact!

Thank you google images

But throw a ghost, a werewolf and a vampire together into a dwelling and that in and of itself is not necessarily interesting. So what makes these three especially compelling and watch-able? Aside from Hollywood spinning its usual magic and casting young, hot, beautiful actors, each individual comes with a tortured soul. They can’t help but bring that baggage into the relationship (a roommate situation) which inevitably affects each of the others because of the bond they have created.

Our number one immortal in this odd grouping is the vampire, Aidan, played by Sam Witwer. Vampires are usually carnal creatures, rich with heavy blood lust and a propensity to kill their meal.  Aidan has chosen to turn his back on that kind of life and is trying to do right. The vegetarian diet. Where have we heard that one before? The numerous kills of his past haunt him and he struggles daily to keep his thirst under control.

Is it just me or is everyone else seeing a running theme with vampires lately? So many of them seem to be fighting their true nature. In any case, Aidan and his co-worker Josh, a werewolf played by Sam Huntington, decide to become roommates believing they can help each other stay clean (i.e. not kill anyone). After all, they are both struggling against their true nature to do what they consider is right and not hurt anyone.

Now I ask you, are werewolves immortal? I guess it depends on which interpretation you subscribe to. Whether they are or not, they are certainly welcome here on Immortal Mondays as members of the supernatural realm and characters other immortals often deal with in some form or another, may it be in battle or alliance.

What do you think it would be like dealing with monthly moon cycles as a werewolf? Watching this video I’ve decided it’s definitely worse than a monthly visit from Aunt Flow. Wouldn’t you agree? 

Poor Josh…

Moving back to our two would-be roommates – surprise, surprise! The house they rent comes complete with a ghost. A young female ghost unable to move beyond the walls of the dwelling. Sally, played by Meaghan Rath, met an untimely death at the bottom of the stairs and now has some unfinished business before she can move on. The problem during most of season one was that she had no memory of what the unfinished business was. Of the three you would think she would be the least interesting, but the writers did a good job with her storyline, creating interesting twists and growth for her character. For starters, she is no longer confined to the house.

Is a ghost immortal? The better question is, are they eternal? Can they cease to exist through the form of exorcism and other purification ceremonies? That can be a rather dismal outlook for some trapped in the in-between. What happens to them when they are unfairly targeted, unable to escape? Curious questions we may never know the answers to. Of course we still want to quickly vanquish the Big Bads, and I’m not talking about Spike in this case.

The initial glue that held the three together in a more than roommate relationship was their desire to be human again. Thus the show’s name – Being Human. Their struggles, experiences and desires bring them closer together so that this strange triangle of roomies  become friends on a higher level that actually care for one another.

Will you be tuning in for Being Human tonight? Do you think a roommate situation can work between a werewolf and a vampire, natural enemies?

What about a ghost, can they continue to write storylines that will make her part in the group interesting?

For a closer look at the show itself, pop over to Tiffany White’s Oo Factor and her running series Why It’s Worth a Watch Wednesday – Striving Toward Normalcy.

If that isn’t enough and you want a little more to wet your whistle, you can find a glimpse of the BBC version on Lena Corazon’s  December 6th  Row80 post: The End-of-the-Quarter Vortex.

You can catch this unique cast of supernatural beings on the syfy channel Monday nights at 9/8c beginning January 16th.  Check your local listings for the BBC series.

Tune in or else...

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43 thoughts on “A Ghost, A Werewolf, A Vampire and Immortal Monday”

  1. Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

    I’ve never seen the British version, but the lead actor is pretty cute. However, I started watching Being Human (American version) because I really liked Sam Witwer in Smallville. My daughter and I have been waiting impatiently for its second half season return (WHAT is up with all of the the 13 episode series???).

    As for Sally, I can see many possibilities where her character could play a key role. And I hope they give her a ghostly boyfriend…but not like the guy who relived his drowning every day. That was just weird. 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      All the cable shows seem to do 13 episodes. It’s rather annoying. It’s never enough if you really like a show.

      Yes, drowning guy was a real downer. 🙁

  2. ccmackenzieccmackenzie

    The British Vampire is THE hottest. This is a series that started off slow then got a cult following. The British Vampire is in fact Irish and I bet he’s destined for great things!!

    Great post, Debs.


    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Well, that makes him all the more delicious!

      So good to see you. 😀 Thanks for commenting.

    • Lena CorazonLena Corazon

      Aidan Turner, who plays Mitchell, the British vamp, is going to be in The Hobbit as one of the dwarves! I’m really hoping that his career soars as a result, ’cause he’s so talented (and soooo cute).

      • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

        Very cool! A move in the right direction, wouldn’t you say?!

  3. shannon esposito (@soesposito)shannon esposito (@soesposito)

    I love this show & am so excited it’s on tonight! I think the writer’s do a great job showing that the characters are still “human” and still have to deal with the myriad of human emotions like guilt, fear, love and lust. Sam Witwer’s deliciousness is a bonus, of course. Did you know he has a hard core band? It’s funny to see that side of him: http://samwitwer.com/

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Tonight will be fun. We’ve waited a long time. I agree, they have done a great job showing the character’s human side. I can see a lot is planned for Sally this season. Poor Aidan, he’s fallen into a dark place. Thanks for the band link! What fun! If you want more Sam, here is someone who has pulled a lot of Sam all into one place for everyone. 😀 http://iheartsamwitwer.tumblr.com/

  4. Kim GriffinKim Griffin

    I hadn’t heard of this show and will definitely be checking it out. I’m currently struggling with a serious case of True Blood withdraw and maybe this will help! Lol.
    Great post! Love all that supernatural/immortal stuff 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      True Blood makes it hard on us fans, giving us a small dose of episodes followed by a huge gap of static in-between seasons. We need Eric! I am also VERY curious about the new show making it’s premiere tonight, following Being Human. It’s called Lost Girl. You might be interested in that as well. http://www.syfy.com/lostgirl/

      • Kim GriffinKim Griffin

        I totally agree that we need Eric 😉

        Setting up Tivo now for Being Human and Lost Girl. Thanks for the heads up!


  5. Jennifer L. OliverJennifer L. Oliver

    I absolutely love, love, love the UK version of this show but I’ve never seen the American version. I hear there are a few variations other than the names of the characters being changed. But I won’t go into detail on the UK version and give any spoilers – just in case. 😉 I may have to start the American version and see if its just as good.
    And just for the record, I’m all about the Mitchell (British version vampire) and his Irish accent. He just looks more like a tortured soul.
    Thanks for the post, Debra!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      He does have that tortured soul look, but they do a pretty good job of creating that in Sam Witwer’s character as well. A real bonus of taking up the British version now is that you could sit down and watch 3 full seasons, rather than wait for them to air. 😀 I am a total sucker for an Iish accent.

  6. Karen Crumley, authorKaren Crumley, author

    Oh Yes! I will be glued to the TV at that time! My husband swears that my Aunt Flow was as bad as me turning into a werewolf and he was always the victim….hmmm. Poor baby never had any sisters. But I do remember trying to be mindful of my easier ability to fly off the handle so I would not lose my temper with everyone around me, including my husband, teenagers and teen-aged students. I did,however, set some administrators straight. But it was nothing like when I had hyperthyroidism. I can relate to Josh. I did not grow fangs or claws, but my ears did turn red and hot and whoever was in my path at the moment was in real trouble. But, to be honest, the ears did not get hot unless the person in my path probably deserved what came his/her way. The hyperthyroid went away and I cooled down, but I never told my administrators so they did not know that I would not explode when pushed. I should have exploded sooner. After that, when I said ‘no’ to their busywork, they just said, “Oh, okay.” Life was much easier for me.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Some people simply need that one-time push before they will back off and leave you be. Explosions sometimes help us out with that.

  7. Angela Orlowski-PeartAngela Orlowski-Peart

    I haven’t seen the British version but the actor looks great. But then again, I haven’t watched much TV lately. Thank you for recommending this show – I will definitely try to check it out 🙂

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I find it hard to fit television in to my daily schedule as well Angela. When I do, I am either taking time out to sit with the family or multi-tasking. I always watch TV while I fold or sort laundry. So I’m not the best at giving things my FULL attention. There’s just too much going on.

  8. Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)Krystal Wade (@KrystalWade)

    I’ve not watched it, but the show seems interesting enough. And yeah, all these sappy vamps are killing me (no pun intended).

  9. Tameri EthertonTameri Etherton

    Interesting and creepy! I’m surprised my husband isn’t all over this, but then our DVR is pretty full with Top Gear and Fringe, so maybe he’s maxed out his television viewing. I saw a preview and I don’t know if I can watch it. All the vampire shows have dulled my love of all things vampy. Weird, I know.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Love Fringe! My step-dad is all into Top Gear. I can see that happening with the vamp indifference. They have gone a little over board since Twilight. If Moonlight had come out a little later, it would have probably turned out a lot different for that show. Vampire shows have been around for a long time, they’ve just never been so trendy.

  10. Lena CorazonLena Corazon

    I am a huge fan of the British version, but I haven’t seen the US one yet. Still, the British vampire, Mitchell, is the one who has my heart. He is just so dark and wounded, yet has this amazing humor and energy about him. I definitely recommend checking out the UK version if you can (I killed the first 2 seasons in about two days). Someone told me that the season 2 finale was “the best horror movie” they had ever seen, and it’s true. Super eerie and creepy and wonderful. 😀

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I’ve done that with shows I love. Especially when I’m sick and bed bound. I find less time for it these days, but it’s oh so enticing with a well done series.

  11. EmmaEmma

    I’ve watched the British show and that’s great but I’d be willing to give the US version a go, though I’m not sure if anyone can beat Irishman Aidan Turner who made a really sexy vampire. I’m liking how the producers of the show called the vampire in the US version Aidan!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Think they were paying homage to him? It is pretty cool! I have to agree, there is something very sexy about an Irishman.

  12. Pat O'Dea RosenPat O'Dea Rosen

    Debra, you and Lena have convinced me to give the British version of Being Human a shot–and I’m not drawn to vampires/werewolves/ghosts. You’re good at converting skeptics.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Thumbs up, Pat! By choosing the British version, you have lots of episodes to keep you busy for a while. Go Netflix!

  13. Sheila SeabrookSheila Seabrook

    I haven’t seen either the British or US version of this show but it certainly sounds intriguing. I may just have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation, Debra!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You’re welcome, Sheila. Hope you like it, should you decide to check it out.

  14. T.F.WalshT.F.Walsh

    I’m a huge Being Human fan, but of the British series, not the US, sorry. So I’m totally going British vamp:)

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Don’t be sorry! I might have been all about the British series had I discovered it first. I met the Americans first, so they’re what I know. That’s all.

  15. Molly PendleburyMolly Pendlebury

    You’ve certainly peaked my interest! I wish I had lots more time to watch the hours of shows already awaiting me on my DVR and add this one to it! I like things like this that take me away from “real life” for a while. Hope the show stays on for many seasons!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You sound like me! I recently made some hard choices and dropped a show from the line-up because I was never getting to it, even in my multi-tasking chore time. So sad. Thanks so much for stopping in Molly!

  16. Louise BehielLouise Behiel

    I haven’t seen either the US or UK version of these shows but I’ll check to see if it’s on Canadian television. we don’t get all of the US shows. after I blog, and write, and edit, and …well you know how it goes with a full time job and a dream. thanks for the recommendation

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You’re welcome Louise. I do know how it goes. I took the day off with the kids and drove them up to their Nana’s and Papa’s. On the way home my story started filling in some gaps I was missing during my Row80 word sprints. A simple thought, I missed my turn and ending up taking a very different, completely unknown way home. At least my navigation system didn’t get confused. We never stop working, do we?

    • Kristy K. James...Living, Loving, LaughingKristy K. James...Living, Loving, Laughing

      You can watch the American version on Hulu, Louise. They have the last five shows from last season still up, but in the morning the oldest will likely drop off so they can run the one from tonight. It was very good. 🙂

  17. Emma BurcartEmma Burcart

    That does sound good, but I think I’ll have to record it and watch it during the daylight hours. I get overly spooked at night. Buffy is as creepy as I can go after dark.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Don’t creep yourself out so that you have trouble sleeping. We don’t want that! Unless you’re writing a horror, and it helps your story building process. 🙂

  18. MelindaMelinda

    I’ve never heard of this show so thanks for the heads up! I’ll check it out.

  19. artistlynneartistlynne

    Well, I just saw “Being Human” Episode One for the first time today in both the U.S. and U.K. versions. I vote for the U.K.!! It was MUCH more riveting to me….and this is not even usually my “cup of tea”.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Wow! That says a lot coming from you. I may have to make time to netflix the U.K. version. Thanks!

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