Today many writers are finishing up their first week in the Row80 writing challenge, the challenge “that knows you have a life.” I am hopping on the train already in motion. I’m excited at the prospects this challenge offers and find my fellow writer’s goals and enthusiasm inspiring!
You can find my goals under the Row80 tab at the top of my page. Since this is my first go-around and I am just now getting my feet wet and getting a feel for things. I expect my goals to change and fine tune over the course of the next eighty days. My main focus is finishing my WIP, therefore I am pushing all editing goals aside till its completion. I would like to place my word count higher, but experience with the kid’s schedules thus far has taught me to be more conservative – especially since I am piling on the Write-It-Forward course with Bob Mayer for the next two months.
Because I’m a straggler who failed to catch the train at the station and have only now secured my seat, I don’t have much to report on at this point. But I did spend my Saturday writing and editing two pieces (not including this one and one is relevant to my book) that total 1212 words. So I have that! I also spent a fair amount of time making changes to my site. I realize now that I probably should have included some site organization into the original goals set. But there is always time for adjustments as we move forward. It was time consuming as I organized categories, tags and links. There is still more to be done, as well as an over-all look change to match my log line better.
The extra bonus that will come out of this, outside of the desired progress on my book, is all the great people I am now looking forward to meeting. It will be a Row80 Party! Let’s kick it off in style…
Don’t you get the biggest kick out of watching Walken dance? I love studying his style and grace. 😀 I’m thinking of taking that escalator move to my local Macy’s. Maybe a little dancing on the tables in the shoe department as well. I’m sure they won’t mind.
Thank you for stopping by! I always love it when you visit and take the time to comment. New “friends” (a.k.a. followers) are always welcome. 😉
Welcome aboard the ROW80 Express. It is, as you say, not only a chance to set yourself realistic (and moveable) targets, but to get to know other writers. I look forward to you posts.
Excellent to hear! I can’t wait! I am getting a slow start out the gate, but I am ready to move and shake now! 🙂 I am looking forward to getting to know you better and following your progress.
One of the great things about ROW80 is that you can jump in anytime, so welcome! You’ve got a lot cut out for yourself with your writing goals PLUS a workshop, but I’ve no doubt the workshop will help with the other goals! Good luck with it, and I’ll be interested to see what you get out of it, as I’ve considered taking that one.
Thank goodness for that considering I was still on a cruise ship the day this all started! I see I am not the only one trying to both so I will have company and support in that craziness. I hear it is going to be fantastic! I am really looking forward to it, but bottom line – my WIP is #1. Thanks, Jennette, for your support.
Debra, you made a great decision joining Row80. I think this will be a fantastic experience for you. It was (and still is) for me!
I like the way you approach your goals – slowly testing the ground instead of diving head-first into the process. You are so right – the goal list can be altered as you go, and if you exceed the initial ones, it will simply show that the time might be right to push yourself even further.
Good luck this round. I will be cheering for you all the way, girlfriend!
Thank you Angela! I have high hopes, but I am also rooted in realism. I know what my kids and the social scene has done to my forward momentum where my WIP is concern as of late. I am hoping Row80 will help me tip the balance back in its favor again.
I am part of your cheer force as well! Go Angela!
Debra, welcome to Row80! You have a fantastic first checkin and I’m cheering you on from the bleachers!
Now, before I leave, I just want to mention that when you dance down the escalator or on the tables of your local store, please have someone tape it and put it up on YouTube so we can all enjoy it! 🙂
Thanks Sheila! I am cheering for you as well. Woot woot!
At first I was thinking it would be fun to have an old school ghetto blaster around my neck. But that wouldn’t work out to well on the flips. LOL I would definitely need the music piped in from an outside source. Now you have me considering who I still know in the retail business that would allow me access to the store when its slow or closed so that something like this COULD be filmed. LOL Wouldn’t that be a hoot? I could do most of that, minus the flying bit. Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve done a handless summersault. Not sure I could do that anymore. But everyone would get a kick out of laughing at me dancing anyway – right? 😀
This clip rocks! This guy’s got plenty of cowbell, don’t you think? 😉
Welcome to the ROW80 party! I like how you prioritized (finish WIP)–it’s a reminder that not all goals are equal in importance.
Good job so far. I have no doubt you’re going to be successful!
Walken is the cowbell master! Love him!
Thanks Fabio. I can be obsessive about my WIP. It weighs on me heavily that I don’t get the same amount of time to work on it as I used to. Everything I am doing here is all working towards that end goal which all has to do with the end product – my book. That’s what it’s all about. And all the books that will follow this set I’m working on now.
BTW, I love the code names you use in your goals. Makes me think you’re working on a spy novel.
I LOVE Christopher Walken! I have never seen this video before and it just made my day. I think I need to go dance around for a while, that’ll be sure to get the motivation pumping. Thanks for a great post and I can’t wait to see how your goals turn out. 🙂
I saw Walken perform this piece on SNL one night and that was it – I was in love. I had to find the original. It’s one of my all-time favorites. Of course, having here on my blog, it works to distract me. I find myself constantly hitting the play button. LOL Ooh, shiny – pretty! Dance, Walken, dance. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I look forward to getting to know you my fellow Row80 peep!
Yay for dancing and partying together during ROW80!
This is my second round and the first time around I was constantly revising my goals. It worked well for me and this round, I am actually keeping up because I recognized when my goals were over the top or far too reachable. Kind of like “I breathe, I write” sort of goals.
I am grateful you are here and am looking forward to waltzing, twisting, junebugging through the rest of these 80 days with you!
I may need to do some constant revising as well. It’s a learning process, right? My kids and the blogging have put a serious squeeze on my writing time lately. I am hoping this will help me prioritize better and help me make better use of my time. So far I spend too much time on social networks. I get lost surfing the blogs. *sigh* Time to get back to what should be at the top of my list.
So glad I met you. I totally agree, I feel the same way. “I breathe, I write.” Now let’s get busy with the writer’s dance party!
better late than never. it will be great to watch your process evolve
Thanks Louise! The late couldn’t be helped. I was still at sea when the party started. 🙂 But I’m ready to rock and roll!
Hmm. Already commented on your goals on the first post so… I love that video! I don’t ever remember seeing Christopher Walken smile, much less dance! I’m sharing this on FB.
Also, I feel the need to issue a dare. PLEASE go dance on the escalator and tables…and take someone along to film it for your blog. That would be SO cool! 🙂
LOL! I need to find a store where I wouldn’t get thrown in the paddy wagon by loss prevention for disturbing the peace. 😀 Let me see if I can work out the details. Hahaha There was a time when I used to have a lot of connections with stores and malls. Not so much anymore. 🙁 Glad you enjoyed Walken dancing. There is nothing like it. I find being on my own page terribly distracting today. LOL
Thanks for your comments and support!
Christopher Walken + Fatboy Slim = Eternal Happiness
So glad you’re doing ROW80!! Good luck this week – cheering you on!
❤ him!
Thanks Myndi! Good luck to you too. Also cheering you on!
Woot woot – welcome aboard Debra – I think you’ll love it. Your goals rock and I love how you set a minimum with the hope of knocking it out of the park when you can. Realistic is the way to go. Love your fitness/health goals as well. Amazing!
Here’s to some productive weeks ahead.
Thank you so much my lady! Fitness was a must for me. I have not been happy lately. Thank you for your confidence in me. It means a lot. Here’s to making it happen. Cheers!
I just thought I would let you know that Macy employees love it when you dance in the shoe department :o)
Can I come to your store and dance there? 😀 I was thinking about you, but then you probably already knew that. Too bad you don’t wield the same kind of power as you used too. I would totally take Kristy up on that dare.
It seems like you are doing a lot, especially with taking another class. I think the idea of site building goals is a good idea. It’s all part of platform building & it all takes time.
I tried to make my goals realistic. The good thing about Row80 is that I can adjust them as I go. I like that. I have been trying to carve time out to work on my site for awhile now. I will try to do a little bit every few days and see how that works out for me.
Best of luck meeting your goals! Glad I got a guest post out of you BEFORE you decided to push everything else aside! haha. Still have to read that. Catching up with Six Sunday right now, and recovering from having twenty 5 yo’s at my house! I need a drink!
Thanks Krystal! Ha ha. What you asked for is the easiest kind of post for me. I can pump out the YA stuff fairly quickly. I spend more time editing than I do writing it. It’s the high concept posts I’m supposed to be doing that are time consuming for me. Ugh! LOL No worries on not having had the time to read it yet. I understand. I’ve been all over the place. I was just informed my presence is required downstairs for a movie. Hmm 😀
Hooray Debra! You did it! And we’re classmates too! This is exciting! Way to go! Celebrate! 🙂
Thanks Karen! Very exciting! We can cheer each other on and lift each other up! Team work. 🙂 I don’t want you to worry, I didn’t forget about the other thing you asked me about.
I nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award! Here’s the link.
Thank you SO much! I am tickled pink!