Posts Tagged: writing

(First: It’s sad that I must actually say this, but YES – I do know that writersphere is not a word.) Do you ever feel like things are not as they should be? . And you find yourself having trouble deciphering the signs? . You see them. Or hear them. But they simply aren’t making sense to…
What process does a writer go through when bringing a character to life on paper?  Words alone do not make you feel for them or become vested in their future. Myndi Shaffer wrote a great piece about getting to know your characters better when you dig into their underwear drawer. In addition to peeking into…
I recently enjoyed a small stint away from home, which means I got reacquainted with the ever-fun-to-use itty bitty soap bar. You know the one. The cute wannabe left for you by the hotel staff. Isn’t it so cute! It’s just the right size for your dolly to use. Pray tell, who really enjoys an…
You know that feeling you get when you’re being watched? You don’t see them, but for some reason your body just knows. It somehow senses it? For those who subscribe one hundred percent to common sense, it makes no sense. No sense at all. It’s an extra perception. It shouldn’t be possible. And yet millions experience it…