How much do you love getting away from it all? Zipping away with the special people in your life and forgetting about all other responsibilities for the time being? I recently had this opportunity. But I’ve got to tell you, when I heard I was going to be in Hawaii at the time of E.C.…
Ah, to escape. Get away. Vacation. Summer is all but over for the family with kids. I won’t pretend you don’t hear my sigh. But I haven’t been able to make it through a single blog post without three or four interruptions. And, I mean reading YOUR posts, not working on my own! That’s an entirely…
My kids’ spring break has sprung upon us and found us completely unprepared. The husband has meetings he cannot miss, and no plans have been made. Do these things happen to anyone else? I used to be an organized person. An extreme type A personality. That all fell apart when I started writing. So, in…