For a limited time, you can secure an official ecopy of MAGICAL MIRI for only 99 cents! This is the first time EVER for the series to be both wide and on sale!
This March I have banded together with several other authors to bring you fabulous deals on page-turning reads, as well as an awesome giveaway. Whether you prefer Amazon or iBooks for your reading pleasure, we’ve got you covered. I invite you to dive in and grab a lovely collection of new stories to get lost…
Secret Legends 20 exclusive books from NYT, USAT, and award-winning authors (Psst! That’s over 100 hours of reading!) Available for 99c pre-order on iBooks now! Warning: Book Hangovers Ahead. Looking for the perfect escape? When you dare to venture into the romantically-charged pages of SECRET LEGENDS, you’ll get lost in stories from…
Awesome things are happening this weekend! At least, it is if you love to read and also enjoy saving money on new, gripping stories! That’s right. I said, “Save money!” This week I’ve joined a bunch of fabulous authors to bring you hours and hours of quality reading via two magnificent events. Cool, right? You…