Recognizing the Real Zombie at Halloween

Halloween will be here in a matter of days and we’re in the thick of preparation at our home. Costumes are in the final stages of completion, cookies are being decorated (and eaten), and decorations still need to be fluffed and inflated. Yes, I did say inflated. It’s the totally lazy approach we’ve taken to decorating the front of the house the last few years.

Halloween Dec

We survived the big holiday party weekend―or did we? Reports of zombie sightings and hallucinations have crept into the news. Monday night the channel five news reported a zombie hallucination that led to a neighborhood shooting. Will we have a replay of 2012? Need you be reminded of the horrid zombie attacks that were thought to be caused by Cocaine psychosis? They said bath salts were to blame. It was a terrible episode of…well…true zombie behavior.

Just a few months ago a major crash was caused in Southern California by a young man who believed he was honestly trying to shake zombies from his car at the time. While driving a stolen car erratically he proceeded to slam into a number of various vehicles.

Given the popularity of shows like The Walking Dead we can expect to see a lot of zombies on the street this Halloween. How can we tell the make-believe from the real thing? If an outbreak suddenly occurred, like in World War Z, would you know what to do? Fear not! I have everything you’re looking for right here…

Feeling better prepared? Still feeling unprepared? Amazon can help you with that. They have the ideal zombie survival kit for everyone. This one’s a great place to start. If you want to take it a step further and secure safe transport, just in case, then here’s the latest in zombie survival transport. 😉

You should be feeling pretty prepared for the on-coming zombie apocalypses now.

Still not convinced? Take The Walking Dead Personality Quiz to get an idea how you would fare in such a situation. Anybody get Daryl? I’d like to know. I’m sharing my results with you below. Looks like I went mental this year (insider joke for those who watch the show). 😀 

RickZombies or not, are you prepared for the next big disaster? Every home should be prepared for the local hazard. Be it earthquake, tornado, hurricane, you name it. Have a plane in place and kits are definitely handy to have, as well. In the car and in the home. When you’re thinking disaster, don’t forget the more common destroyer of lives—fire.

Are you prepared/Do you have plan in place? Is your entire family familiar with the plan and is everyone cinched to the same emergency call list? Just a few things to think about.


Don’t forget…

I have a ticket to J2LA and I’m giving it away right here on my blog. You only have a few days to get me your entry, if you want a chance to win.

J2LA – November 24th

Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel • Burbank, California

I have a Burbank Preferred Convention ticket for the Sunday event. The only day Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles will be there.

Want a chance to win a free ticket to the big event? You must do the following:

Compile a Supernatural picture board. It can be of Sam or Dean, or both of them—it’s up to you. Compose a letter explaining in 350 words or less why you are the fan most worthy of this ticket.

Send them to: Debra Kristi (at) gmail (dot) com without the spaces.

You have until midnight on the 30th of October to get them to me. Put “Supernatural Giveaway” in the email title. Let’s make sure we have time to get through the process so that I have time to mail them out. You need to act fast!


Thanks for stopping by! I truly appreciate your support. Until next time, au revoir.


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16 thoughts on “Recognizing the Real Zombie at Halloween”

  1. Kristy K. JamesKristy K. James

    Well I’m bummed out. I thought – based on the title – your post was going to be about me. 😉

    I do actually have a plan in place in case of a zombie attack. To put on my running shoes and hang around people I don’t like. Then when the zombies show up, all I have to do is run faster than they do. 😀

  2. Tameri EthertonTameri Etherton

    I’m pretty sure Kristy has the best idea! I need to keep my running shoes handy.

    Our zombie survival plan involves machetes, bow and arrows, and fire. We don’t watch The Walking Dead, so I’m hoping this plan will work. If not, as Kristy says, I just have to run faster than someone else.

  3. PatriciaPatricia

    I’m just wondering – if those zombies were heading south in 2007 (when the video was made) how far have they gotten? Surely they’ve passed through California and are heading toward Argentina by now. I think I’m safe.

    But, I do have a chainsaw and a hatchet just in case.

    Thanks for sharing those fascinating facts.

    Patricia Rickrode
    w/a Jansen Schmidt

  4. Diana BeebeDiana Beebe

    I hope there aren’t any zombie sightings this year! I’ll have my running shoes on, just in case. LOL.

    There’s a yard that gets decked out every year for every holiday. They have zombies and ghouls. It’s a month-long process to decorate that yard. The zombies have been waving to passersby for about three weeks. I think I can outrun them.

  5. kindredspirit23kindredspirit23

    I am an avid fan of walking dead. I watched 3 hours yesterday (episodes 1-3) in order to get caught up. It seems to be a good teaching show as it keeps true to course as to how it would be.

  6. Serena DracisSerena Dracis

    I ended up as Rick. I guess I’m not ruthless enough to be Daryl. 😉 Shovels are my weapon of choice against zombies. Never need reloading, unlikely to get stuck in a skull, and keeps me away from biting jaws.

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