I have another midweek surprise for you! If you haven’t heard of the wonderful works of E.C. Stilson, then perk up and pay attention. She broke into the world of published author with the very beautiful and personal works know as The Golden Sky. This gem started as a journal to her beloved son, Zeke, whom was lost to her at the ripe young age of two and a half months. It chronicles her pregnancy through to his passing. It started as a personal journey and turned into so much more. Today it helps others who suffer through the same fate.
Her second book, The Sword of Senack, blossomed from the stories created to help her daughter understand and deal with the loss of her younger brother. This is a fun younger YA fiction adventure that you can really sink your teeth into.
While she was busy bringing these books to fruition, her daughter was eager to get in on the action. E.C., being the ever amazing and supportive mother, jumped in and helped her young one, known as The Scribe, publish her first book titled How To Lose A Tooth. Isn’t that just the cutest?
At the end of April the third book in E.C. Stilson’s personal journey hit the shelves. It’s the third in the series and the first one in the timeline – a prequel. Bible Girl has only been out a little over a week and is already pulling in five-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. I predict it will catch up to The Golden Sky which currently holds numerous five-star ratings.
Jump into the pages of Bible Girl with me now and grab a little peek…
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The book practically cried for me to spare its life, and for a moment I thought I’d rather burn in Hell than lose something my brother had given me in love. The pastor nudged me, though, and my heart turned to ice.
I thought of all those hours my brother had read to me. I thought of all that time he’d invested.
I couldn’t throw it into the fire; not the last book of the trilogy. That funny little dwarf stared at me from the cover. Then, I closed my eyes. I stepped so close to the flames they almost ate my skin. I tore the book in front of those kids. I put on quite a show throwing in a section at a time because I couldn’t stand sending the whole thing in at once. When the last pages went up in flame, and the dwarf on the cover curled with death, I dropped to my knees and cried. The kids all hooted and screamed in ecstasy, thinking I’d been freed, when the ropes of religion had just twisted tighter.
It isn’t until Elisa realizes she’s surrounded by hypocrites that her foundation starts crumbling. She doesn’t know who to turn to. That’s when she meets a mysterious man. But why should she trust him? Will he help her, or make things even worse than they were before?
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I was seventeen at the time, lost and confused. It was amazing writing this down and reliving everything years later. So much of it was comical. Other sections were strange or sad. Through it all, I fell in love with my husband all over again. And I was able to forgive myself for running away. After writing these words, I remembered why. . . . ~E.C. Stilson* * * * *
E.C. Stilson has offered to give away one free copy of Bible Girl to a lucky visitor of the blog simply for commenting here today! So make sure you stop and say “hello” to this fabulous woman. If you haven’t already visited her at her own blog, pop on over and check it out. She blogs regularly, sharing heartwarming stories about her life and family.
You can pick up Bible Girl in paperback or in ebook format now!

For more about this author, please click the following link to visit her website: EC Stilson
I admire anyone who can write about major traumatic events in their lives. I hope she sells well and that it helps others. Best wishes to “EC”.
She’s a beautiful and strong woman that we could all learn something from. Thank you so much for stopping by Richard.
That excerpt brought tears to my eyes. I have a feeling I can deeply relate to EC’s book. I ran away for many of the same reasons. All of the books sound amazing; I’m going to have to check them out.
Even if you don’t share the same experience, I find her writing easy to relate to, as with “The Golden Sky.” “How To Lose A Tooth” is super cute and your kids would probably love it! My son has been losing teeth left and right lately. The book is a little young for him now , but maybe we should read it anyway. 😀 My daughter gets a kick out of it. Her favorite line…”My tooth is not very brave. It is a scardey cat.” LOL All because the word “cat” is in the sentence. The pictures are priceless.
Thanks for the intro to EC. Her books sound very intriguing and all so different yet similar, if that makes sense. I’ll have to check them out.
That makes sense. Life is change and the books reflect that. It shows a beautiful journey of a wonderfully strong woman and author. She has expanded my usual reading. 😀
That sounds like a really cool project, and a lovely tribute to her son.
It’s a very cool tribute and the project gained amazing support as you can see by the number of followers on her blog. She has touched the hearts of thousands.
This is sort of surprising to me because I wouldn’t say that this kind of story is exactly my cup of tea, but it sounds amazing and the writing is incredible. I especially love this line –> “I stepped so close to the flames they almost ate my skin.”
Isn’t that a great line? I have been entranced by her writing time and time again when I have visited her blog. I knew I would need lots of tissue handy as I read her book.
Wow – how could I not have heard about her before now? Thanks, Debra, for showcasing her. I’ll definitely be checking out her books.
She’s a beautiful lady. I know you will adore her. Her cause is close to my heart.
Thanks for sharing Debra–I will check these out!
You’re very welcome, Coleen. 🙂
E.C. Stilson had me at “the ropes of religion had just twisted tighter.” Thanks for introducing me to her, Kristi.
You’re so welcome, Patricia. She’s a great writer. I love that line too! 🙂
What a creative way to deal with heavy issues surrounding you. Kudos!
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
Isn’t it beautiful? Writing is one of the best ways to work through tough issues.
What an awesome shout out and awesome sounding books! Thanks for sharing!
You’re very welcome, Susie! 😀
The Bible Girl sounds like a truly wonderful book and heartfelt experience to share. I love the excerpt and EC’s voice. Thanks for introducing us to EC’s work!
I’m glad you think so. You’re so welcome, Sheila! It was my pleasure. I adore her.
thanks for the intro to this strong woman. I’ll have to check out her books
You are very welcome, Louise!
Thanks for introducing us to E.C. Each book sounds terrific. 🙂 The Bible Girl has such voice. Wow. 🙂
You are most welcome, Kourtney. 😀
Wow, how brave to write about such a personal subject. Thanks. 🙂
Isn’t it though? I hide my issues in a fantasy story. She puts it all out there bare boned. It’s beautiful. I truly admire her. Thanks for stopping by, Karen. 🙂
Wow. Thanks so much for pointing out this great author. “Bible Girl” sounds like a must-read for me.
That’s what we like to hear! The great need to pick the book up! You’re welcome for the highlight. Thanks for stopping in, Laura.
Writing is so therapuetic, and when it deals with such strong, emotional turmoil, it’s all the more powerful. Thanks for sharing, Debra!
I completely agree, Angela! Very healing. You are so welcome. Thank you for popping in.
I had to thank you again for posting this. You’re such a sweetheart 😉
You are just the sweetest thing ever! I adore you Elisa. Let me know if I can ever help in any way. I’ve been a bit busy lately so I’ve been missing a lot of posts. Just yell at me. Weren’t you supposed to be in Cali? Did I miss it? 🙁