Throw the tinsel at the tree. Explode the party poppers in the yard. Christmas is here. As bright and cheery as this time of year often is, not everyone will find themselves in the holiday spirit. In light of recent events in the lives of people close to me, I decided to pull an older…
Well, it’s been a crazy week. I’m sure you’ve all had them. When you say you’re going to do certain things and then they just don’t happen. That’s how it’s been. I was lucky enough to attend the fabulous Orange County RWA Chapter meeting last Saturday and listen to the amazing Christine Ashworth and Jessica…
I originally had a different post planned for today, but Monday marked a significant day for me and it inspired a little something. As a result you will have to wait a week for said post and listen to this incessant ramble. 🙂 Now, my family who’s reading this blog right now is probably sitting…
To sweet Zeke and all the beautiful babies that left this world too early – this post is dedicated. In honor of The Golden Sky book launch to take place tomorrow, November 18th, an amazing Blogfest is sweeping the blogosphere today. Posts will be plentiful, offering reviews of the book or paying tribute to loved ones…
Pushing up to my tippy toes, I stretch out my arm reaching just a little further. Only an inch more and that’s all it will take to make the big silver, shiny thing mine. I had watched grandma pour drinks from it all morning long. Everyone had been drinking from it, and I was thirsty. The…