We’ve all had those days when nothing seems to go right. Those moments when it feels as if the world is conspiring against us in a snide-devil-grin kind of way. My morning started as such with kids throwing verbal punches like they were training for a Rocky reenactment, panic and tears over homework done incorrectly,…
We interrupt our regular Sunday non-post day to bring you a special Tumblr-styled report. You saw poor Laura Ritchie crying. Thor had gone missing. We thought he had escaped for a wild weekend, or been abducted by his brother, Loki. There was great concern among the Thor Tour followers. What would we do without…
Mark your calendars. This is my first vlog – EVER. I’ll admit I was intimidated, and not crazy about seeing myself on camera. I’m not pleased with what this last year of sitting on my butt blogging has done. That being said, that topic is a matter for another post. Today I’m participating in a VLOGOFF!…