Posts Tagged: Video

The many levels and intensities of confusion. This is something I went through this last weekend and is the reason I missed my Row80 update on Sunday. I am making up for it today. Unfortunately, it will bump the intended post on Chocolate out another week. So sorry chocolate lovers. 🙁 Why confusion you ask?…
Did the week have you buried in mounds of paperwork? Always trapped too far behind? Well, guess what? The weekend is here. In my book that means it’s time to play! It’s been a busy work week for many. Valentine’s Day had us scrambling on Tuesday and now it’s time to get out and celebrate. Enjoy being free of suffocating relationships or having…
What process does a writer go through when bringing a character to life on paper?  Words alone do not make you feel for them or become vested in their future. Myndi Shaffer wrote a great piece about getting to know your characters better when you dig into their underwear drawer. In addition to peeking into…