Let The Games Begin

No April Fools here. That’s not my style. If it’s material of this manner you are searching for I have a great source for you! Head over to Colin Falcon’s blog. You won’t be sorry after boning up on some of the best April Fools pranks history has recorded. I’m talking about spaghetti trees and flying penguins – oh my!

But games – yes, games. That’s what I want to talk about. It’s the time we’ve all been waiting for! You have been waiting haven’t you? I’m not talking about Row80. Although that begins today as well. To see what I plan to accomplish this session check out my new goals here.

Today marks the premier of season two for The Game of Thrones. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am. Shows as great as this one don’t grace our televisions nearly enough. If you’re a fan then you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t had the pleasure, you might want to check it out. Netflix it, Amazon live stream, whatever you need to do.

Have you read the books? If so, then you know what a compelling story it is. So many well developed characters. There’s someone for everyone to relate to. Based on the novel A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, the HBO series has amazed fans and made a splash in the awards arena. In 2011 it took home the Golden Globe in addition to 11 other awards in a total of 41 nominations! Can you beat that?

When the season concluded last June, viewers were left teeter tottering on the edge wondering what was to befall their favorite characters. With so many committed to the quest for the throne a lot of conflict has arisen. Per the story’s tag – Five Kings. One Throne.  Clearly disappointment will be dealt in a nasty way.

Beyond the battle for the crown something is amiss. On the other side of The Wall dividing the kingdoms from the North the things that linger there may once again be active after many years of silence.

I don’t know about you, but the character arc I’m most looking forward to is that of Daenerys Targaryen in this coming year.

People we want to keep our eye on in 2012:

Cersei Baratheon: Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei is conniving and ruthless. A protective mother, her children are the product of incest and not true heirs to the throne. Though it needs to be proven. Even before her marriage to King Robert Baratheon she was involved in an unhealthy and immoral relationship with her twin brother. Tisk, tisk.

Tyrion Lannister: What he lacks in size he just might make up for by possibly being one of the smartest players in the game. Currently serving as the hand of the King for his father, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion is the richest Lannister of the bunch.

Jon Snow: Bastard is a dirty word where I came from, but here it seems to be accepted. That’s what Jon is, half Stark by blood, son to Ned Stark. Taking the last name Snow for his date of birth. Jon joined the Night’s Watch and now patrols the nigh at The Wall under the steward of Lord Commander Mormont. His direwolf is named Ghost.

Daenerys Targaryen: Princess of House Targaryen and a newly widowed khaleesi, Daenerys lives in exile in Essos. Her grief has not stopped her from strategizing her return to the Seven Kingdoms to take back the throne. She is definitely one to watch closely.

Tonight’s the big night. Will you be tuning in?


Know that I always appreciate your time and love it when you stop by, plus take the time to comment. Huge thanks! If you enjoyed this piece or any of my previous pieces, I’d be delighted to have you follow via email or RSS for any future posts!

21 thoughts on “Let The Games Begin”

  1. Sadie HartSadie Hart

    Oh my. -flails- I so need to look into getting HBO temporarily or something. It was easier to patiently wait for Season 1 to come out, but now that I’m hooked…the thought of waiting and knowing Season 2 is ON now, I don’t think I can do it.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      That would be a hard wait. Once you have HBO you can set up HBOgo to your computer and iPad and watch all their shows anywhere! I just bought the DVD set after reading your post and insist my husband watch it. He will be hooked as well! LOL He is actually excited about it – finally. I’ve been telling him it’s the best show on television.

      You could look into itunes and see if the individual episodes are available after they air. I know show shows do that.

  2. tedstrutztedstrutz

    You know I’ll be tuning in!!! When I was lamenting the death of Ned, my daughter, who had read the books, said… “Don’t become attached to any of the characters”. That is what makes this such a great show.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I know. Poor Ned. Why did they have to cast such a great actor? It’s not safe to like anyone while watching. LOL Conflict of any kind is good. I always tell my husband, in every good story someone has to die. Is that any indication of how all my stories will go? This must be a great one! Lots of death. 🙂

      BTW, you have just made me miss my morning coffee with your new avatar. Must make my way to the kitchen now.

  3. Fabio BuenoFabio Bueno

    Debra, I didn’t read the post yet. HBO is running an “Thrones” marathon today (I’m DVR’ing it), and I prefer to avoid spoilers 🙂 I’ve only watched the pilot so far…

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      You will love it! I tried to avoid spoilers. That’s why this post simply highlights who a few of the characters are and a very vague description of where last season left off. I had people like yourself and my husband in mind.

    • Marcy KennedyMarcy Kennedy

      Thanks for the tip, Fabio. I got it set up to DVR because I missed a few episodes from the first season and have been trying to record them piecemeal so that I could watch the first season before watching the second (seems to make sense 😉 )

      • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

        Hope you were able to capture the ones you missed, Marcy. I haven’t had a chance to sit down and watch last night’s yet. 🙁

  4. Jennette Marie PowellJennette Marie Powell

    I should watch this; I just have so little time and TV is what I cut out! Also, Wrestlemania is tonight. 😀 I read GoT a couple years ago – it was the only assigned reading in my favorite writing workshop, Holly Lisle’s How to Revise Your Novel – because the characterization is so good. I want to read the next one – someday LOL.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      It’s a really great show. I understand your argument. I used to use the same one. I usually multitask though my television viewing. I know, it’s bad. Slap my hand. I just have way too much to do and not enough time in the day. But I read somewhere that in order to be a better writer, you not only had to write daily, you had to get out and live, read and watch movies and shows. Since then I have made more of a point to make the time. And I totally see their point. You never know what is going to help get you out of your rut or spark the new idea. It’s a matter of learning to balance – or juggle. 😀

  5. Lena Corazon (@LenaCorazon)Lena Corazon (@LenaCorazon)

    Uuuuugh, I wish I had HBO so badly, but there’s no way I can get it. I’ve read all the books, and I’m supposed to be watching Season 1 with a friend one of these days. I caught about 30 minutes of the pilot, and I could hardly keep from screaming. It’s so awesome to see the places and characters from a book I love come to life.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      I’m sorry you don’t have HBO. You will enjoy it when you finally get to sit down with your friend for the Season 1 viewing. Like I said earlier, not sure if the episodes are available after airing on itunes, but it’s something you might want to look into. 🙂

  6. Reetta RaitanenReetta Raitanen

    No HBO here 🙁 I’m so sad. But thankfully a local channel will show each episode a week later than the original.

    I love the book series and I really hope there won’t be many years before we get book 6.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Yay for your local channel! The way my schedule goes I don’t get to some of my shows till a week later anyway. Are you just as busy?

  7. Tracey LivesayTracey Livesay

    I tuned in and LOVED it! Hated the wait but thought the show made up for it. It was beautifully shot and tightly acted. My favorite is Jon Snow, but I thought Robb was so commanding. I had to hold back tears when his mother told him Ned would be proud!
    Of the ladies, I can’t wait to see Arya’s storyline and what life has in store for her. I hope she gets to kick some ass!

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Yes! They haven’t compromised in the quality of film or acting. I also love Jon. I want to see him show the family just how much he is capable of. I don’t like the way he was treated as a bastard. And Arya. Oh Arya. I expect to see a fabulous storyline for her. I think she is the strongest one of the bunch. Thanks so much for stopping by Tracey. I loved hearing from you.

  8. tedstrutztedstrutz

    Of all the Starks, Arya has been my favorite from the start. Can’t wait to see more of that little spitfire. And really looking forward to the Khaleesi arriving in town. Probably my very favorite character, however, is King Joffery.

    Amazing how much they pour into less than an hour, so wish it was two hours every week.

    • Debra KristiDebra Kristi

      Isn’t Arya fabulous? I think she has fantastic potential. The best Stark of the whole lot. That’s my take. And I totally agree! There is going to be some serious excitement when Khaleesi arrives. Don’t want to miss that! King Joffery – Hmmm. I would say he adds needed conflict to the story. It wouldn’t be nearly as good without him. I love to hate him. 🙂 He’s a poor misguided child. So sad.

      • tedstrutztedstrutz

        So right, Debra. A child, and that’s how you have to view him. The ‘Love To Hates’ are always the best. It will be interesting to see where he goes, if he lasts… I’d love to see a dragon get him!

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